b'day special (part-2)

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Chimon pov:

Birthday, the day when everyone wishes us. The happiest day in everyone's life.(not my)I also really love my b'day. I really like to celebrate it with my friends and family.

But this year, my lover made it the most special and happiest day of my life. Yesterday he proposed to me and now we are fiances. That was the happiest moment of my life. I can't stop smiling seeing the ring in my finger. I still can't believe that he is my fiance now.

After the family party yesterday, we reached  home at midnight. I am at perth's home.

He is sleeping next to me. His hand is on my waist. He is pouting like a baby in his sleep. He is looking so cute.

I slowly tried to get up, but he held my waist even more tightly.

"Don't go"

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm just grabbing my phone you cute baby."

"Ohh cute baby, last night I was daddy and now I am a cute baby." He said in his morning  deep voice and kissed my lips.

"Ehhhh, w...what a..re you saying. Stop it, go to sleep."

"Why stutter now huh, tell me what I am a cute little baby or ....."

"Okay,okay, you are my perth, cute little baby, and many more. P'perth kha..."i said the last word in his ear teasing him.

"P'chimon, don't start something. You are still sore, If I lost my control,  you won't be able to walk properly the whole day.." perth said getting on top of me. He held my both hands from sides.

"Leave me, you pervert. How can you say something like this in the morning. Go and sleep. Or make breakfast. I'm hungry." I said and tried to free my hands. But he holds them more tightly.

"But, this cute baby wants a kiss. Or maybe I will eat you instead. How about this hmm." He sucked my neck.

"Perth, I have to go home. How will I walk. I'm still sore. Leave me you pervert." I said.

"Then don't go, stay here. We have to go in afternoon. Still lots of time left."he whisper in my ear and bite it. I moaned. We both are losing our control.

"P'perth... "


Suddenly bell ring. Perth groaned.

"Siaa, who is it now. Ahhh.... I will go and check." He said annoyed. I laughed at his reaction.

"Perth, wear your shirt first. Its properly mom." He grab his shirt and go to open the door.

I grabbed my phone and see their are lots of notifications. Many people wishs me. I post the picture and within second there are many notifications telling me likes and comments. All the fans are wishing me.

I was smiling looking at wishes. That I did not even know when perth come back.

"It's mom, we will continue later. Let's freshen up and eat breakfast. Mom already brought many dishes." He said and peck on my cheeks.

"Happy Birthday baby, I love you."

"How Many times are you going to wish perth. Btw thank you so much love" i replied to him and kissed his cheek in returned.

We both did our morning routine.

"Good morning Mae." I hugged her from behind. While she was unpacking the dishes.

"Good morning son, happy birthday." She kissed my cheeks.

"Thank you mae... What did you brought. I'm hungry." I said while try to act cute. She smiled at me. And pinch my cheeks.

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