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Chimon pov:

"In these 5 minutes you have checked your phone like 10 times. Whyy...?," non asked me. He is sitting next to me. We both are in the cafeteria. It's our free lecture, we come to get something to drink.

Nanon is using his phone and sipping his  cold drink.

"He tells me, I will text you. I'm waiting..." I sign.

"Who told you..."

"My stalker, he left another note today and said I will text you from now on rather than notes. So here I am, waiting." I pout. When he is going to text me.

"Ohhhhh, finally he is making a move." He said in a slow voice.

"Yes, he is finally making a move." He looked at me with shocked.


"You heard?"

"Yes, you are sitting next to me, I'm not a deaf non" i roller my eyes at him.

"Oh yes, you heard. Don't worry he will text you soon."

Non pulled out his phone again and texted someone. Maybe he is texting his boyfriend.

Perth pov:

"Ohm, i said to him I will text him from now on."

"What, to who...." He said while busy with his phone. I smacked at his head.

"To chimon, i leave a note today saying I will text you from now on. So should I text him??."  He looked at me with facepalmed.

"Seriously bro...."


His phone ding. He looked at his phone.

"Nanon texted me. Saying that, tell that dipshit text chimon he is waiting..." He chuckled at his boyfriend text.

"I think yes, i should text him." I quickly pulled out my phone and select chimon number. But, what i should  say first.

"Don't tell me you don't know what to text now." I looked at him and nervously smiled at him.

"Help me, please bro"

"Who can say he is the bad boy of school. The badboy, who doesn't even know what to text first." He laughed at me.

"Stop it now, tell me or else I will do it by myself." I glared at him.

"Chill bro, text him how you want." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.

I stared at my phone and decided to text.

Cute baby💛😍
Hii baby....
Looking so cute and handsome today, having a hard time again to control myself to come and hug you and kissed you.

"Done, let's wait for his reply"

Chimon pov:

I signed more then ten times now.

"Can you stop, it's annoying." He said annoying

"Just go and sit somewhere then and talk with your boyfriend."

He looked at me with a look "why, are you feeling too single".

"Non....." My phone ding interrupted me.

I checked my phone with hope to see his text. But no, it's non. I glared at him. He laughed loudly.

"You bitch, how dare you. are you having a fun."  I cursed at him slapping his shoulder.

"Hahaha, chi are you that desperate to accept a text from him. For the first time in my life, i am seeing you that desperate and excited for just someone texting." He almost fell while laughing at me.

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