Part 12

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"Alright is everyone here?!" the festival coordinator looked around the group of Greta Van Fleet and The Blue Jean Babies, their roadies and crew. "Okay, Harlow and the Blue Jean Babies, your set is at 7:30 on the main stage, if you're late, you're not playing, and Greta will go on an hour early. Don't test me, they have the discography to play a double."

Small, muffled laughs rumbled through the small crowd as they continued.

"Once your set is done, roadies, clear the stage as quickly as possible to make room for the next band. If you have any questions, come find me. Until then, have fun." the coordinator made sure everyone was crystal clear before leaving. The bands co-mingled, passing around bottles of beer. Josh and Harlow parted from the group, leaving to warm up their voices.

"I'm so proud of you, baby." Cindy rested her hands on Sam's shoulder, hopping up on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek. "Look how far you've gotten, from a garage to stadiums and festivals. It's amazing."

"Thanks, Cin." Sam gave her a small smile. Cindy's brows stitched together, letting one of her hands drop to his back, rubbing it softly.

"You okay?" she asked softly. Sam swallowed down the 'no' that threatened to push out from his lips.

"Just some pre-show jitters is all." he replied instead. "I think I'm going to go grab my cigarettes from the bus."

"Want me to come?"

"Nah, I'll be right back," Sam leaned down, pressing a kiss to Cindy's head and leaving her side. Weaving through the other artists, groupies and crew members backstage at the festival, Sam made it to their bus, grabbing his pack of smokes, pilfering Jake's lighter when he couldn't find his own. On the way back, he took his time, trying to enjoy the setting sun and feeling of a late summer party with the people and music around.

He didn't mean to stumble upon Josh and Harlow warming up their voices behind other bands buses, the angle of parking making a small, quieter alcove for them to hear themselves. Josh spotted him first, his mouth pressing into a line as Harlow continued, her voice trailing off as she caught the look on Josh's face, and turned.

"Uh, hi." Sam gave a small wave, causing Josh to roll his eyes. "Could I have a minute, Harlow?" Harlow stayed silent, and Sam watched Josh's end of a silent conversation between them, feeling left out like he did with Josh and Jake did the same thing.

"I'll be right around the corner if you need me." Josh assured her, stepping around her and bumping his shoulder with Sam's as he passed. Sam held back an eye roll as Harlow turned to face him. She was wearing the long black dress again, a sequin purple shawl draped over her shoulders. Layers of necklaces hung down her chest, and bracelets up her arms jingled as she moved. Her makeup was light just dark, black eyeliner on her top lids, flicked out at the outer corners.

"You're really wasting your one minute with all this silence." Harlow mumbled, watching Sam as he took in her appearance. He blinked a few times, bringing himself back to the moment at hand.

"Sorry, I look beautiful, Harlow." Sam meant it, and by the red tinge on her cheeks, Harlow knew it.

"Thank you. Is that all you wanted? I have to continue warming up."

"Harlow, I never meant to hurt you." Sam stepped closer to her, suddenly feeling desperate for her to know everything he felt. "Cindy and I-"

"are a really beautiful couple." Harlow cut him off, giving him a forced smile. "I'm very happy for you, really Sam. Cindy, and I say this honestly, is very kind, and very pretty. You don't deserve her." Sam swallowed hard as the look in Harlow's eyes shot ice through his veins.

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