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Inside the courtroom, the attendees were quietly seated on wooden pews. A Philippine flag hung on the wall, and a justice logo was prominently displayed in the hall. The bailiff entered the room, signaling the beginning of the session. The judge stood, awaiting the formal announcement.

"All rise."

At the bailiff's command, everyone stood.

"The Department One of the Regional Trial Court is now in session. Judge Carmen Santos is presiding. Please be seated."

The crowd returned to their seats, and Judge Santos advanced to the bench.

"The accused, Mr. Guevarra, was charged with the murder of a child under section 347 of the Penal Code. He committed the offense at 3 pm September 25, 2016, at Barangay Cristobal, Sapang Palay, Cavite. Under section 347 of the Penal Code, if the accused is found guilty, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. Today, the prosecution side, represented by Mrs. Celia Ramon, while from the defense counsel side, represented by Miss Alyana Mendes," Judge Carmen Santos spoke in an air of indifference with no emotion visible in her face.

The prosecutor's lawyer, Celia, possessed a tired expression; her long white sleeves and old skirt showed no sense of style or vanity, but she was a protector of the oppressed—a pro bono lawyer who worked for free. At the age of sixty-five, Celia already knew the outcome of the trial. It was futile to win against an influential person like Mr. Guevarra, a staff member who works in an orphanage owned by a religious sect. He was charged with murder for killing a child, and the priest accused of rape. The prosecutor didn't have reliable evidence against the priest, even if Celia felt the truth deeply.

"People of the Philippines versus Arnulfo Guevarra. Case number 138. Are both sides ready?" Judge Carmen Santos asked, continuing her statement.

The lawyers for both counsels stood before the court.

"Ready for the people, Your Honor," Celia stated.

"Ready for the defense, Your Honor," Alyana remarked with a smirk.

The trial commenced.

"Around 2 PM on September 25, 2016, Mr. Guevarra was detained and charged under Section 304 of the Penal Code. I would like to request permission to bring my first witness for this case," Celia announced, holding the necessary documents. Her evidence was weak, and she knew her case lacked a solid foundation, but as a woman of principles, she was compelled to continue the fight.

"Yes, you may," the judge granted her request.

"Thank you, Your Honor."

Minutes passed, and the lawyers exchanged opinions until the dispute escalated into a heated debate. The defense claimed their client was not in a sound mind to commit the murder, presenting a psychologist who had evaluated the defendant's sanity.

"Objection, Your Honor! The defense's question is based on an assumption," Celia protested vehemently, clenching her fist as she stood from her seat.

"Overruled. Defense counsel, do you have any questions?" Judge Carmen Santos favored the defense, indicating her decision to overrule the objection and allow the defense's question, testimony, or evidence.

Alyana, the defense lawyer, walked in her designer shoes, the two-inch heels clicking on the courtroom floor. She wore an expensive black blazer over her white blouse. At 39, she was already a successful lawyer, known for employing every tactic to win at any cost. An intelligent woman, she represented clients who could afford her astronomical fees. At this point in her career, Alyana's moral compass seemingly ceased guiding her.

"Defense counsel, do you have any questions?" Judge Carmen Santos inquired.

"Your Honor, this proves that the accused committed the offense while he was not in sound mind. Dr. Angelito Cruz's clarification can confirm this. That's all from me. Here, I submit the examination results as an exhibit," Alyana approached the judge and presented the test results.

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