what if Deku just fell through a portal instead of dying?

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"It's about Time I said goodbye.. this is whated you wanted right? I can't change your mind any other way so I'll just take your advice. You can become a hero and I'll watch or something.."
Deku's voice trembled as he.stood on the edge of the safety fence. They were at least 4 stories tall and Dekh was going to jump.
"You've never listened to me anyway so why start now? Deku-.. D-Don't do it..." Bakugo stood about 5 or 6 meters away from Deku.
"Kacchan.. I am going to sacrifice myself to save your future, Show yourself some mercy. My time in this life is ending now. Take care of my mother please Kacchan" Deku lifted both his arms and fell back... and he just kept falling...

The villians poured out of the purple dust and seemed too confident. Their newest member with his usual black mask on. The white smiley face never got less creepy. He called himself The Pupet Master, but the majority of heros called him All For One Jr. or Puppet.

He calls himself The Puppet Master not because he has the quirks for it, but because he is manipulative. He knows all your weaknesses and strengths and uses them against you the best he can, only by the words comming out of his mouth. He was one of those villians that the Heros knew almost nothing about. But that seemed like it would change today...

As the fight went on. Most of the Hero's had since been sent to paramedics or had gone to get help from stronger Heros. All For One and the Villians were obviously waiting for All Might. Just like every other time, they wanted to destroy the symbol of peace. It soon began clear they were just stalling but having fun. Then all might showed up.

The Puppet Master stepped folward. The grin on his mask growing, as it moved with what seemed to ve his emotions.
"Welcome to the party All Might! We've been waiting.." He announced.
"Well villian you will be deleted for I am the symb-" All Might was interrupted.
"I've been waiting, Toshinori-san." The Puppet Master said in a malicious tone.

All Might stepped back. He was smiling the same as usual but he looked scared. His eyes and his posture were clear indications he was severely caught off guard.
"What? Who is that?" All Might said. He looked around and played dumb. Much to The Puppet Master's amusement.
"It's not very heroic to lie Toshinori-san. All Might"

All Might fixed his posture. He had to distroy this villisn as soon as possible. His identity was already in the hands of the LOV and for who knows how long. "Come at me, Puppet. I dare you." All Might says confidently, holding his hand out and gesturing to The Puppet Master to come at him.

"No No No silly. It's my father who wants to fight you," The Puppet Master says in a reassuring way. "I want Dynamite. 1 on 1 just like the old days. Of course he always won but I think I will have the upper hand thia time." He continued as he cooked his head to the side.

"I won a lot of fights when I began Hero work. Have to remind me who you were 'back then' Jr." Bakugo laughs. His ego clearly haven't changed.
"Oh no you went a hero back then, you were kike the villian of my story matter of fact!" The Puppet Master said with uneasiness, much to Dynamite's obvious displeasure.

"Hm.. How to remind you? Oh of course!" The Puppet Master jumps enthusiastically.
"So Kacchan, if you don't remember.." Dynamite haven't of herd that name in years. Who is this was all he could think.
"Just pray you'll be born with a quirkin your next life, and take a Swan dive of the roof of the building?" The Puppet Master smiled. It was a soft smile, unlike the uneasy grin he usualy carried.
"THAT'S a messed up thing to say, you villian!" Red Riot yelled angrily. Defending his freind immediately.

"But.. Bakugo, that's what you told me- right?" Deku slowly removed his mask and the hood attached to reveal his over fluffed green hair and his face. While Bakugo's whole focus was in the presumed dead boy infront of him, all the heros were waiting for him to say he didn't do it.

'Deku's face doesn't look how it used to. Well of course. Dark circles under his eyes and small scars are all over his face. Where is the hope he usualy left in his eyes. They are so dark,and dull, he almost looks dead, other than the his skin being its usual bright shade.' Bakugo thought ro himself as he stood there.

Bakugo could only stand and stare in horror. And for the fist time anyone had ever seen, he cried. Only a little, a few tears slowly falling down his face. His eyes remained flooded, ready to tip at any moment...

Villian Izuku/Deku One-Shots (With Some BkDk Bc Yes)Where stories live. Discover now