Chapter 1: Our Little Princess

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I stepped into the living room, greeted by the intense gazes of my nine brothers

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I stepped into the living room, greeted by the intense gazes of my nine brothers. Robbie and Sam left just enough space for me on the couch, and as I settled in, their eyes followed me. A sense of unease settled in my stomach.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" I questioned, glancing around the room.

Theo, the oldest and our legal guardian since our parents are gone, spoke up. "We need to talk, Hailey."

I sighed inwardly. Whenever Theo assumed the role of authority, it usually meant some form of responsibility or, in his words, "adulting."

"Alright, what's going on?" I asked, exchanging curious glances with Robbie and Sam.

Theo leaned forward, hands clasped together. "In three weeks, you, Sam, and Luke will all turn 17. We've been discussing it, and we want to make sure you have a day to remember."

A puzzled look crossed my face. "Why would you guys care about that?"

Robbie nudged me gently. "Because you're our sister, Hailey. Turning 17 is a big deal."

I couldn't help but smile at his sincerity. My brothers, despite their occasional tough exteriors, had their moments of genuine care.

Theo continued, "So, here's the deal. We want to throw you a birthday party, but we need your input. Do you want to celebrate it with Sam and Luke, or should we invite others?"

I furrowed my brow, not exactly having a wide circle of friends. Heather, Noah's girlfriend, and Liz, Oliver's girlfriend, were the closest things I had to friends outside of the family. Liz, in particular, had taken on a maternal role, filling the void left by our parents.

"Well, I don't have many friends outside of you guys," I admitted. "Heather and Liz are the only ones, really."

Theo nodded. "That's fine. The point is, we want you to enjoy your day. It's your call."

The weight of their sincerity sank in, and a warmth blossomed in my chest. Despite the challenges of being the only girl surrounded by nine brothers, their concern touched me.

"Okay," I said, a genuine smile forming. "Let's make it a family celebration with Heather and Liz. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Theo grinned, and the tension in the room lifted. It wasn't always easy being the only girl in a sea of brothers, but moments like these made it all worthwhile

As the thought of college lingered in my mind, a flicker of hope ignited within me. While my brothers Sam and Luke ventured into the world of academia, I remained confined within the walls of our home. The desire to experience college life, meet new people, and forge friendships beyond the protective shield of my family lingered like an unfulfilled dream.

I couldn't shake the question that had gnawed at me for years: why couldn't I attend school like Sam and Luke? Were the dangers they spoke of genuine concerns, or was it merely their overprotective nature manifesting once again?

Despite the doubts, a surge of determination propelled me forward. I couldn't wait forever for change to come knocking. I needed to seize the moment, take the reins of my own destiny, and confront my brothers about this longstanding issue.I rise, contemplating whether to approach them with my question or simply retreat to my room upstairs.

With a deep breath, I approached Theo and Oliver. Their serious expressions hinted at the gravity of the discussion about to unfold. As I stood before them, I let out a resigned sigh, realizing that this might be the moment my life takes a different turn.

"Well, here I go," I mumbled under my breath, gathering my courage.

Theo glanced at me with an arched eyebrow, sensing something was amiss. "What's on your mind, Hailey?"

I met their gazes and hesitated only briefly before plunging into the heart of the matter. "Why can't I go to college like Sam and Luke?"

Silence hung in the air as my brothers exchanged glances. Theo, as the spokesperson, finally broke the quietude. "Hailey, we just worry about your safety out there. The world can be a tough place, especially for someone we care about so much. You are our little prinsess"

Oliver nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and understanding.

"But," I interjected, "I want to experience life beyond these walls. I want to make friends, learn new things, and just... live."

Theo sighed, contemplating his response. "Hailey, it's not that we want to hold you back. It's just that the world can be unpredictable, and we can't help but be protective. But if you really want this, we can discuss it as a family. Maybe find a way to make it work."

The glimmer of hope grew brighter as Theo's words sank in. It was a small victory, but I sensed a crack in the walls that had confined me for so long. The journey towards a college education might be challenging, but at least the conversation had started, and possibilities lay on the horizon.

I begin to stroll away with a smile on my face when Luke and Sam burst onto the scene, tackling me with laughter. Their joy is evident, relishing the slim possibility that I might join them in college. Luke opts for sports education, Sam for science, and as for me, I embark on a homeschooling journey, guided by my 23-year-old brother Nate, a musician. Inspired by him, my dream is to emulate his success and become a renowned singer and guitarist.

Wishing silently for a chance to attend college, I refrain from pressuring Theo. Climbing the stairs to my room, Sam and Luke trail behind. As I enter, my gaze falls upon Oreo, my ferret, curled up on my bed. Sam, drawn to Oreo's adorable presence, gently scoops him up, settling down with Oreo nestled on his chest. Oreo, unfazed, simply relaxes, closing his tiny eyes once more.

His obsession with Oreo is undeniable. I received Oreo from Oliver, who mentioned that Mom had always wanted me to have a pet as an escape from the chaos caused by my brothers. Fortunately, Oreo turned out to be the perfect solution. Despite being 17, I consider him my little companion, almost like a child. My brothers find it amusing to see me all cuddled up with Oreo, but oddly, when it comes to one of them embracing Oreo, there's no room for laughter or teasing.

I decide to join my brother, lying down beside him and gently petting Oreo. Luke, sensing the moment, comes over and envelops me in a hug from behind. It's a familiar gesture, something we've done since childhood. Back then, we used to push our beds together, and now, it's these random embraces that keep us connected. From tears to laughter, we've shared every moment, discussing our days and offering comfort. Like twins bound by an unbreakable bond, being triplets only amplifies the closeness. We're a packaged deal, indivisible and inseparable.

We linger in our close-knit huddle, the passage of time marked only by the occasional interruption when someone calls or needs to leave. Some nights, we spend a good two hours cuddling in blissful silence. Feeling the warmth of the moment, I suggest that Luke and Sam spend the night in my room, and they enthusiastically agree. A brothers-sister sleepover – a rare but cherished occasion.

Just as we settle into the idea, a knock echoes through the room, and Zach enters. With a casual inquiry about dinner, he asks us what we'd like to eat. My go-to choices are the classics – pizza or pasta. After all, I'm Italian, and it's practically in my DNA. The prospect of a laid-back evening with my brothers takes a delightful turn as we plan our simple yet satisfying meal.

Shortly thereafter, our pizza arrived, and I opted for a pepperoni topping. Zach delivered the pizzas, placing us in the familiar positions we occupied before. Switching on the television, I perused the available movies. Ultimately, we settled on "Culpa Mia." Snuggled up with my brothers Luke and Sam, I enjoyed the movie, but towards the end, I succumbed to sleep.


you should watch culpa mia, its so good!
1355 words!
Until next chapter!

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