🎥🍿Hyunlix-Minsung-Stop It Please

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This will turn into a book(currently prewriting)

Felix's Pov

I keep running, the cold breath stinging in my lungs as my legs are willing to give up any moment. What a life right? Sprinting down the dark roads in 5C° while only wearing a hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers. It's currently 9pm so Jisung will still be awake, or atleast I hope so.

I quickly take my phone, looking around to see if anyone is near and text Jisung.



You awake?

Can I come over?


Ofcource Lix

What happened again?


Yk js them again


okay bubs be safe, i'll make some hot coco alr :)


Thank you Sungie, i mean it


ofcource lixie


"Hey loser!" Someone yelled from across the street, by the tone and voice... Hyunjin. Oh goddangit I am so not in the mood to deal with this bitch right now.

I started running again, 'cuz that's what I do the best, run from my problems. I know i'm not the only one so fuck it.

I yelped loudly when someone grabbed my arm tightly as I sank trough my knees, tears forming in my eyes. Why did he have to grab my arm there, why not my hand or something?

"Fuck..." I muttered and held my upper arm so Hyunjin couldn't be stupid and grab it again. Ofcource that moron doesn't have a single braincell and pulled me up and yanked my arm to him, trying to roll up my sleeve to where I held it.

"Take off your hoodie." He said firmly as I frowned and stepped back. "Leave me alone." I replied, again taking a step back as he pulled me towards him by my waist.

"Take. Off. Your. Hoodie. And don't let me repeat it twice or i'll beat you up." He said again, close to my face as I could even feel his hot breath against my skin.

"W-Why would I take off m-my hoodie for you." I said again and tried to get away from his grip when he pulled me even closer to him.

"You're not gonna do what I asked? Okay the-" He started when I cut him off. "Okay! Please don't hit me, just... okay." I fastly said and pulled off my hoodie with a groan as every muscle in my body hurts.

"What now? It's goddamn freezing, you're insane." I muttered the last part as Hyunjin took my arm and studied the big purple bruise on my upper arm with a frown as I realized what he was doing. I fastly pulled away as tears were forming in my eyes, pulling the hoodie back over my head as I backed away.

"Who the fuck did that?" Hyunjin asked with a frown and face of... disgust?

"What do you care, mind your own goddamn buisiness and leave me alone!" I yelled out and started running again, tears rolling down my cheeks as my head felt like spinning.

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