❤️‍🔥Triple kill-Lix+Minsungjin

876 22 15

Thank you ILY--FELIX for the request!!! :D

Top- Minho
Top- Jisung
Top- Hyunjin
Bottom- Felix

This is as a dorm with Felix, Hyunjin, Jisung and Minho y'all!!

also... I am genuinely sorry for making this the worst ever oneshot because honestly- WHAT IS THIS? 

(you'll notice how rushed and bad this is, and i'm so sorry for it, I have no idea why this just wouldn't work out better)

I really can't lie i'm so happy it's over now😭😭 my brain didn't want to write no more orsum😭

(remember requests are still closed, i'm sorry)


Felix grins and shifts his shirt a bit higher up his thighs, looking at himself in the mirror. He loved dressing up for himself when he was alone, something he already did back when he was a trainee.

Once he's done with adoring himself in the lewd outfit, he takes off his shirt. He sits up on his thighs and plays a bit with the thin chains around his waist, accenting the way his hips were a bit wider.

He always felt a bit prettier when he could just dress up for himself in exposing and breath taking pieces of clothing, which barely hid his skin anyway.

There were a few freckles dusted across his waist and hips, his fingers tracing over them. He smiles and then sits down totally on the ground, his legs beside his thighs, his hands pushing himself up slightly in between the exposed skin.

He truly never found himself that attractive, but in these moments he could feel pretty, even if it was just for himself.

Felix stands up and takes another few accessories, putting a chain around his neck, a lacy strap around his upper thigh, changing his boring underwear to a black thong, and finishing up by turning around to watch himself in the mirror again, breathing out softly in content.

After a few minutes of changing the way he sat down, standing up, moving a bit around, he once again changed a few of the accessories. He replaced the lacy strap around his thigh with a tight chain, changed his underwear to a more casual one, yet special enough for the outfit, and rearranged some smaller details around his waist and neck.

"Fuck that's hot..." Felix chuckled at himself, turning a bit in the mirror to get a better view.

"Fuck that's hot indeed..." A voice whispered from behind him, startling Felix. The male jumps up and bites his bottom lip, realizing there was really just no way to get out of the situation.

"I thought you felt sick, hm? What's up with this?" Minho chuckled, still visibly checking the freckled male out. Felix looked down and almost felt bad for not going grocery shopping with his dorm members, but couldn't actually feel bad enough to apologize.

"Look up at me. What is this?" Minho asked, walking in further into the room. "I-i'm sorry..." Felix whispered, fiddling with his trembling hands as he looked down. He waited for any response, but only got a sigh. "Why? Why are you sorry? Tell me what this is, beautiful." Minho asked, taking another few steps forward. He took both of Felix's hands and raised his eyebrows, making the boy look up again.

"I'm not sure... I.. I just wanted to feel pretty I guess... I'm sorry you had to uhm... See me like this." Felix whispered, his cheeks burning up with embarrassment. He drops his head again and looks down at how Minho caressed his fingers every few seconds, the touch soothing him.

"Pretty? You wanted to feel pretty?"

Felix now actually felt a sharp blade digging through his heart at the older's sarcasm- filled voice, his bottom lip trembling. "I-i'm sorry..." Felix winced out, trying his best not to break down right then and there.

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