Chapter 17

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I clutched the cloth covered in dried blood as I approached the club not too far out of town. This area was home to many supernaturals because of its seclusion, so I wasn't too shocked when the taste of yellowish blood led me here. The constant fuel of ambrosia I've gotten from Apollo has strengthened my skills, so all I need is some blood and I can track down anyone or anything.

I walked through the doors, immediately heading towards the bar to avoid unwanted attention. To get past the bouncer, all I said was "incubus" and they let me through after a thorough once over. Despite my lack of smell, I sure looked like an incubus.

At the bar I ordered a cran vodka so I could nurse something at the table in the corner as I watched.

My cousin was sitting with a few men and women around him, fawning. Even though the lust was impalpable, his eyes were trained on vampire-looking dude chatting up a werewolf much younger than him. The werewolf must've been rejected or something because normally one wouldn't be flirting in a bar with a mate out there somewhere.

Neither my cousin or the vampire realized I was watching them, so I sat in wait for the right moment, ignoring all the people attempting to chat me up.

When Helix was suddenly mauled by a lust-filled girl on his lap, clearly distracted, the vampire started walking to the dance floor with the werewolf. I grabbed one of the napkins scattered on the table before abandoning my vodka drink to join them.

I danced with a drunk human for a few moments as I inches closer to my conquest. The vampire/werewolf couple were grinding on each other and eventually started making out. This was the moment I finally approached them.

I brushed my hand on the vampire's arm to get his attention. They broke away from the kiss as the vamp looked at me confused.

"Incubus. Do you mind?" I gestured to their lips.

The vamp smiled and aggressively kissed me, making it easy for me to bite his lip.

"Feisty," he said as he wiped his bleeding lip.

I turned to the werewolf, who looked terrified. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

The wolf sheepishly nodded and let me gently kiss him. Once I pulled away, I gestured for them to continue, and they were quick to do so. I turned around and wiped the blood off my lip with the napkin I stuffed in my pocket before shoving it back in again.

Dancing close by, I kept an eye on the couple as they migrated near the bathrooms. The werewolf was now up against the wall, crushed between a wall and a hard on.

I watched as the vamp whispered sweet promises in the wolf's ear as he guided them out the side door. I glanced at Helix, who was again occupied with what seemed to be twin twinks now.

Assuming a seat at the bar next to Helix's table, I nursed a new drink as I waited for Helix to realize he fucked his mission up. It took less than ten minutes before a string of curse words cut through the air over the loud music.

Helix approached the bar and stood right next to me as he waved frantically at the bartender.

"Did you see where that vampire went? The one making out with the attractive werewolf?"

The bartender shook his head as I turned to watch my cousin's face contort. "Are you often easily distracted by lust?"

His head whipped around to meet my scary eyes. That's the thing about my eyes, they are difficult to forget. I watched carefully as recognition crossed his face.

"Isn't this a coincidence? I've never seen you in my life and now we are crossing paths in two realms?"

He leaned over the bar, distracted by me and obviously forgoing his original target.

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