00. Prologue

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POV - She

Mama told me this once; Perfection doesn't exist.

She added; even if it did, it's not a person.

She sighed; it's definitely not you.

She continued; People are too awful to ever be classified as "perfect".

She concluded; you are the most awful of all beings. You don't even deserve to stand next to something..."good".

She's correct.
I am likely to not be perfect and to be the most awful person to ever exist on this earth.
But she's wrong as well.
Perfection is a person.

It's Oakley Karl Winston.

That boy is perfection.

As perfect as snow falling flawlessly, leaving no spot on the ground undecorated, after a winter night.

Oakley Karl Winston.

As perfect as hundred of white immaculate chalk bars aligned in their box.

Oakley Karl Winston.

As perfect as the beach on a sunny day.


His eyes, oh his eyes!

Honey brown.
I can't even imagine how jealous bees are for not being able to produce honey this shade, looking this good and tasty.
His eyes look sweeter and more delicious than the purest honey in the world!


His smile. Oh those dimples in his cheeks and those next to the corners of his lips!
That smile he gave me.
The first smile anyone ever gave me.
It bewitched me.
Drove me crazy.
Had me wanting to make him smile all day and all night, to be able to see them! Those dimples!

In 16 years of existence, I've never even thought of having someone's lips on mine, yet, he makes me have the wildest dreams.


To top it all off, his black, dark, somber, ebony hair that falls perfectly on his brown skin.
Oakley, that clean, pristine, untarnished face of yours I'd like to press my lips on, while you'd tell me stories, while you'd tell me how pretty you think I am, like you did the first day you ever talked to me.

You were the first to ever tell me that.

You were the first to call and describe me as "She".

I wish you knew, how much you changed my life.

I wish you knew, how hard I fell for you.

I wish you knew, how bad I want you in my arms.
I believe in your arms I belong, next to your heart.

I love you.
Love you.
Love you.

Now I beg you to love me too.
To see me too.

I believe Heaven hears my cries, it's probably tired of your name. In each and every of my prayers, i beg God to make you mine.
Die next to each other. I want to love you till the last second of my life.

I wish you knew, that all the time i feel like the most worthless human being - most at times -I'd follow you to your house... to watch you.
Watch you do the simplest tasks a human could possibly be doing;
Watch tv.
Do your homework.
Play video games.
Have good time with your cherished ones.
Oh I wish I was part of that category, i wish you could look at me with those loving eyes you give your family.

I really wonder if you would freak out if you knew all that.

I really wonder if my love would freak you out.
If you knew I had a whole book of more than 100 pages talking about you, i could talk about you, all day. To anyone, anything that has ears or a soul!
If you knew I know the finest details of your face.
If you knew I know how hot or cold you like your food to be.
If you even knew how obsessed I am about you. You are my whole world.

I love you.

Any word is not comparable to the amount of love i can have for you.
You are my whole world. My universe!
You are the only reason these lungs of mine are functioning and that heart of mine is beating.

I love you.
I adore you.

Why'd you even smile at me on that day? Why didn't you run away? Why didn't just assume you already hated me from the second those brown eyes of yours met mine?

You were the missing part.
You were all the missing parts.
You made, designed and completed the puzzle of my life.

Oakley, you are my everything.

I really wonder how you'll feel when we will talk to each other again, me as real me and you as real you.
Pretending to be someone you are not is something you are good at.
Just like me.

We are the same.

Yet so different.

We complete each other, yet I am so scared to make you run away from me because i love you too much.

Oakley Karl Winston is perfection.


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