VII. She's jealous

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POV - She

I am standing in front of the mirror.
I have so many things to do today.
So so many things to do today.

But the only thing I seem to have my mind focused on right now, is my hair.
I used to have very very long hair. But here they are, cut short. Very short.

I am quite jealous of the other girls.
Mostly the girls you spend time with, one with very long light brown beautiful hair and the other with healthy black-blueish hair.
And both are beautiful.

Brielle and Indigo are so pretty.

And here I am looking like a homeless orphan—No offense to both homeless people and orphans.

I actually wonder how back in the days you managed to see I was a girl the first time we met.
Because of my very angular face, shorten hair. My lack of curves did not help either...

Everyone would always identify me as 'he' thinking I am a boy or 'it' because they were not able to identify my gender — that was insulting.
'It' the pronoun used for objects, things even animals. But I am not an object nor a thing nor an animal, I am girl. It's She not it.

I sigh passing my hand on my head, wishing I could take Indigo and Brielle's place for even one day and be pretty.
I am envious of their looks. I am tired of being this—this unappealing! Repulsing even!

I am jealous. I am jealous of pretty girls.
Mostly the girls you spend most of your time with, Oakley.


POV - Drew

- "How do you feel?" I ask him.

- "Tired..."

I stare at Kenneth's tired black eyes staring at the wall behind me.
Then the bandage on his forehead.
Then at his whole frame, lying on this hospital bed.

- "I am so sorry Kenneth. I did not mean to hurt you at all." I apologise.

- "Did they force you to come?" He demands. It's the only thing he'd been asking me ever since I arrived here.

- "No I told you I came on my own. Guilt was killing me."

He finally takes his eyes off the wall and looks at me.

- "I am not mad at you, you know?" He starts tapping his finger rapidly on the bed.

- "You should be."

Seeing he is alive lifts a 100 pound weight off my shoulders.
But I find the fact that he is not mad and doesn't hate me so strange.
Like I almost killed you man, you should literally want to kill me as well.

- " did not mean to. It's okay it was my fault." He concludes.

There is silence for a bit.

-  "What did they do to you Drew?"

I choke on air.

- "What?" I ask, confused, between coughs.

- "Punishment. What did they do to you?" He specifies.

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