Picked up

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All characters and art work don't belong to me. All the credit goes to the original artist

Luffy was walking out of the building and texting her friend Robin.


Robin💜: what are you doing??

Luffy😋: I'm waiting for ace 🫤

Luffy😋: he's mad at meeee 😔

Robin💜: why? What did you do???

Luffy😋: I just forgot to call him back😅

Robin💜: if you just to forgot to call him once I'm sure he'll forgive you

Luffy😋: ...

Robin💜: 🤨

Luffy😋: it was more than 1

Robin💜: how many times did he call you?

Luffy😋: idk I lost track after 7 🤷‍♀️

Robin💜: Luffy 🫢

Then a sudden a text message popped on her phone.

Ace🔥: I'm here where are you??

Luffy saw the the text and looked up and saw her brother on his phone in the parking lot in a red Tesla waiting to pick her up.

Luffy😋: oh ace is here I'll talk to you later byeeeee 😋✌️

Luffy texted robin and wrote a text to ace.

Luffy😋: I see u

luffy sent the text and walked up to the car and went in the front seat.

"HIIII Ace missed me." luffy said smiling.

"Yea let's go" Ace said giving a fast and short answer. He didn't even look at her.

But of the corner of his eye he saw Barto and Hancock peaking by the door with hearts and stars in there eyes.

"Hey luffy do you know them" Ace asked pointing to the door.

"Ohh yea, don't you know them??? There Hancock and Barto." Luffy replied.

"Oh, well anyway we're going to a cafe to talk about something okay" Ace said with a concerning voice and driving.

"But I want to take a napppp!!!!!" Luffy said in a whiney voice and pouting.

"It will be fast, we just need to talk to Sabo about what we're going to do at the dinner. I'm guessing that the old man is going to try to find you a partner or something." Ace said trying to explain to her but also remembering that he's mad at her.

"You also need to look good but not good enough, that you get stalkers. You already had and still have stalkers, admires, and obsessive classmates. We have more things to talk about but that's to pretty much to sum it up" Ace informed luffy.

Meanwhile luffy wasn't paying attention to him. She was watching the window and playing with her fingers.

Ace sighed. He was frustrated with her. She doesn't even see why we're worried. She's careless, yeah she might be strong but she doesn't realize how other people see her. She has had stalkers and we had to send her to a private high school. Ace thought and was having a giant rant by himself.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Luffy looked bored and tired, Ace was upset and concern.

"So... you like your roommates???" Ace said trying to make small talk and trying to push down his feelings for now.

"YEAH!!! Nami and Vivi are soo nice. And Nami's and Vivi's friends are so funny." Luffy said giggling remembering the times they hanged out.

"Oh yeah, should I meet them then?" Ace asked.


"Oh then I can't wait to meet her..." Ace said thinking it was a GIRL friend

Though at this point luffy was no longer listening to him and was instead daydreaming of Ace and Sabo meeting all her friends.

"Is she really mature like robin or the total opposite??" Ace asked.

Luffy thought for a minute. "There really funny. But Nami is kinda like robin"

"I really like robin, she doesn't make me worry. Unlike Hancock. I don't get why Sabo let you take that class..."  Ace said with an unsettling face.

"We could have picked a different school like New world academy" Ace said seeming like he regretting his decision.

"Well robin works at grand line so Mabye that's why???" Luffy said trying to comfort ace.

"Ya Mabye..." Ace said feeling a bit better.

"Anyway you don't have any plans later right, your roommates won't worry" Ace asked not trying to mess with luffy's social life.

"Nah they have class later... I think" luffy said in a unsure voice.

"Okay then. Don't worry we won't try to keep you for long I'll bring you back around 3 or 4" Ace said.

"Wait what time is it right now now??" Luffy asked wondering how long they be at the cafe.

"It's 2:35" Ace said looking on his phone.

"Ehh we're going to be at the cafe for..." luffy said while counting on her fingers. "A HOUR!!!!" Luffy said surprised.

"Something like that." Ace said trying not to laugh at her for counting on her fingers.

"Soooo are we there yet??" Luffy asked and Ace knew where this was going. Luffy asking "are we there yet" and Ace would answer "no yet" and they would go back and forth.

So Ace didn't answer her.

"ACE!!! Are we there yet???" But Ace was determined not to answer her.

"ACE!!! Do you have something in your ear??? I asked are we there yet??" Luffy kept persisting for an answer.

"No I don't have anything in my ear." Ace responded but was dodging the question.

"That's good, so..... are we there yet???" Luffy was still asking.

They were in fact almost there yet but Ace didn't want to go back and forth for the rest of the ride.

Ace was trying hard to find another subject to talk about, but then ace saw the road name and it was the road where the cafe was.

He just had to stall for a few minutes.

"Are we there yet???" Luffy kept asking and this time Ace responded.

"Yup we're super close"

"YAYYYY!!! How much longer??" Luffy asked.

But Ace didn't need to respond. You could see Sabo sitting at a table from a window.

"YAYYYYY!!! WERE HERE!!!" Luffy said smiling and clapping her hands...

A/N hey thanks for reading this. This was originally going to be a longer chapter but then I decided not to since it was going to take like another 2 days so I didn't. I kinda want to make the cafe like something related to whole cake island but I'm still not done with that arc so I might do it but idk. Anyways that  for reading this and have a good day 😋.

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