Saturday Brunch

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It is a little after curfew but I need my mama. I say the password to my parents room and barge in. And what I see is going to scar me for the rest of my life. My mama slamming himself onto my papas ARGGGG! I squeal and turn away. My papa grumbles while my mama laughs.

"Hold on son. Let me and your papa get ourselves situated. Do you need me or him?"

I take a deep breath. "I need my mama."

I hear my papa grumble "I know our spawn has to have learned about knocking. Ow!" I can only guess my mama smacked him.

"Alright Cepheus. Let's go into the kitchen and have tea, yes?" I nod and slowly turn around to see my mama in a robe walking away and my papa sulking on the couch pants now on. I follow my mama while he makes tea. He turns to me with tea in his hand and sits beside me.

"So my love. Talk to me. What's on your mind?"

I take a deep breath and sigh. "Promise you won't judge me?"

My mama looks at me taken aback. "Of course son."

"Well you remember my boyfriend Rain Thomas? Well. He wants to have sex with me. And he wants me to bottom. Mama that terrifies me. Letting someone see me that vulnerable. I don't know what to do mama..." I cradle my teacup for a second waiting for my mama to talk.

He places a hand on my shoulder and caresses my face. "Oh my son. Have I ever told you about how you were conceived? Don't worry it's nothing graphic!" He quickly adds as he sees my horrified face.

"Your papa was my old professor. I always had the hots for him. Brooding, mysterious and sexy. He was a mean old git though. Very rude and had very little filter. I excelled in his classes after the war and became what nobody would expect. A healer.

One day the old Healer of the school called me in and asked me to replace her so she can retire. That same night I gave myself to your papa. Before all of this I was considered infertile. I would not conceive.

Now. I trusted him. I trusted your papa. And I made the right decision by giving who I was to him. My goal was to wait until marriage. To let my partner know it was only them who knew me for me. Body, mind and soul. That same night your siblings came right along with you.

Now the reason I am telling you this is because you only know what you want son. In order for you to let someone see you in that vulnerable placement you have to know you want it and trust yourself and your partner. If you don't trust your partner then it won't work.

But don't let yourself be pushed in a position your not ready for. Because that is not okay. I want you to remember that. Now I have something for you just in case." My mama stands up and slides off the stool.

He walks over to the kitchen counter and pulls out a box and a couple vials. He walks back over and plops them on the desk. He shows me the box first. "This is a box of condoms. Use them. Having a baby at 14 should not be the plan okay?" I nod, taking the box.

"This first vial is an anti-contraceptive. It will help prevent pregnancy. Take this every morning after your first time. Don't miss days. Okay?" I nod again looking at the clear bluish liquid in the bottle.

"Now this is where things get a bit painful son. This first one is a numbing potion and this other one is a relaxant. Now without this even with lube it would be very painful. After that it should be smooth sailing. Hey, remember there is no reason to rush into this part of growing up. It's alright. Now go get some sleep. I want our family brunch in the morning to be a little more relaxed. I love you."

My mama slides off the stool once more and kisses the side of my head before padding away. I sit there fumbling with the box and vials before finally getting up and heading upstairs. The Saturday Brunch should be somewhat eventful. I make it back up to Gryffindor tower and flop on my bed.



I step out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror. I think about my hair for a second then decide on a short curly bob. I go into my dorm and grab a pair of gray dress trousers and a black button up with it loosely tucked. I leave the first three buttons unbuttoned showing my growing breast crease. I slide on a pair of shiny black dress shoes and roll my sleeves up.

I walk downstairs into my common room about to leave for my family brunch when I run into a certain someone. She looks down at me and smirks. "Hello Black. How are you this fine morning? You look quite erm... Dashing."

I fight the flush threatening to warm my face. "Good morning Zambini. I am doing quite well this morning. And thank you. I am quite sure I look as good as I feel. And that's pretty fucking awesome." I pretend that my sleeve is out of place and try to fix it. "Well then. Good day Zambini."

I look up at her keeping eye contact until the world spins and I'm backed against the wall and Octavia's lips on mine. Her tongue slips between my lips and my legs slightly tremble. Our tongues swirls together before she licks the outside of my lips and walks away. She wipes the corner of her mouth before smirking. "Yes, good day it is Black."

I take a couple deep breaths and cast a pressing spell back on my shirt and trousers. Then I walk to my parents chambers eliciting snickers from my siblings. But of course Cepheus is the one to point it out first. "Oh you just got snogged. Really fucking hard."

I glare at him with my face turning pink. That only made him cackle and the rest of my siblings trying to rib me about it. Then my mama and papa comes out with papa in his chilling teaching voice asking what is all the noise about? And of course Cepheus has to open his trap and say something.

"Aras finally got snogged by Zambini!" I facepalm and sigh really hard. Then mama perks up.

"So tell me all about it! Did she use tongue?"

I gape at him and stutter. Then everyone starts to laugh including papa and me. Papa walks behind me and rubs my shoulders kissing my head.

"You're growing up a little bit too fast my child." He kisses my cheek again and walks up to mama and smiles at him. Mama smiles back and kisses his lips in a chaste kiss while we walk into a transformed sitting room that shines like we are really outside. And grass tickling my feet and wildflowers dancing in the artificial wind. The exact environment of the wildflower field. I hope this never ends. The family we are today. I hope we are close like this forever.

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