The devil would blush at

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Harry~ same day.

At exactly 8:30pm~


I am sitting in the sitting room with my whole family. My knee is bouncing and my wand dangling from my hand.

"Darling. Why are we all here? It's almost dinner time."

I glare at Severus and he backs up leaving me alone to my thoughts. I look at the time. And as soon as the clock strikes 8:30 the chime for the floo goes off.

"Cepheus. Come here love. I want you front and center."


He looks at me confused by my actions but I place my fingers on my lips asking for silence. Then Dean and Rain Thomas step through the flames. My son cringes into me and I rub his shoulder.

"Boy. I'm sure you have something to say to my son?"

"Wait a minute now Harry. Don't talk to-."

"Shut the fuck up Dean. Do not face my wrath. Do not tell me what to fucking do! Your fucking child hurt my son. I will say what the fuck I want to!"

The room is shocked and silent. They didn't expect my anger.

"Now boy. You will apologize to my son for sticking your dick in places it shouldn't, yes?"

My son looks at me with pride and surprise. I nod to him smiling. My children know I will do everything for them. Even if it means cutting off and destroying old friendships then so be it.

"I'm sorry Cepheus. I was wrong. And I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I really do love you. You just weren't it for me."

My son stiffens. Then he pulls out his wand with a face full of fire. When I see Dean twitch for his I pull out mine and point it to him. I mouth 'try me.'

"You dirty, benighted, arrogant, infuriating little shit! Instead of talking to me so we can try something new, you cheat?! You're lucky I don't set my family on you! Aras would kick your arse! Your a fucking disgusting pig!"

My son tosses his wand to the side and pounces on Rain. He knocks him to the ground and starts throwing punches letting out a stream of curses garbled by tears.

Then just as I see Dean and Rain grab their wands Aras and Caelum brandish their wands disarming them both. Aras walks forward with Caelum. Caelum pulls Cepheus off of Rain and Aras crouches down in front of rain.

"I think you forgot who my family is. And who I am. I'm a Slytherin for a reason, Rain. And I will do my damndest to make your life hell next year. Remember me. You might wanna watch your back."

She stands up and kicks his chest.

"I will be watching Rainy boy. Don't fuck with my brother! It will be the last thing you ever do."

Then I sigh and decide to step in.

"Aras my love. Come here."

She stands up straighter kicking his chest once more before walking over to me. I pull her to my chest and kiss her forehead.

"You and your Brat had said your sorry ass apologies. Dean. Remember me. I will find you and your son and do some things the devil would blush at. Keep on with your bullshit."

I feel my daughter smirk as I say the words she just did. And I wonder where she gets that damn attitude from.

"Get the fuck out of my house Dean. And take your fucking cheating ass son with you."

As the floo flares again I finally step back and rub my small baby bump and sigh. I hear my son grumbling and sniffling. I kiss Aras forehead once more and pull my son into a hug. We fall to the floor onto our knees and I let him cry.

"Oh my beautiful baby boy... I am so sorry my love."

And all he does is cry even harder.


I just hug him tighter.



I had just fallen asleep after grrring all night long. Then I hear a creak and the hall light slowly floods the room. Then I hear a shuffling and a weight on my bed. I can smell Caelum's lavender lotion and I relax once more.

Then my door opens again and another weight falls onto my bed. Then I smell Cepheus's baby lotion he is obsessed with and I relax once more. I kick back the covers and let them snuggle in. I feel Cealum wrap his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around Cepheus' waist.

This is how mama used to find us when we used to have nightmares. It is a triplet thing you know? And that is how mama found us the next morning. And the next couple days after that.


Harry~ 2 months and 3 weeks


I walk quietly into Aras room to check on her because it is nearing Saturday Brunch and I stop in my steps. My poor babies. They only do this when something is troubling their minds. It has been a whole week. I quietly walk into their room and sit on the bed.

"Aras, Caelum, Cepheus. It's time to wake up lovelies."

They slowly wake up and mumble good morning mama.

"It's thirty minutes until 12. You guys have to get up for Brunch. See you when you guys are ready."

I kiss their foreheads and stand just as what I said clicks and lightbulbs start going off. Then they start scrambling out of bed pushing each other over.

I start laughing and walk out of the room. I walk downstairs and kiss Severus on the cheek.

"Hello love. I just woke the kids up. Is the room almost ready?"

He kisses me on the lips this time and smiles.

"Hello my dear. Yes. The room is almost ready. I know they get their outlandish ideas from their mother. A winter forest? In July? Also are you ready for your birthday lover?"

"Of course. When could I never be? And I don't think it comes from me. I think they are just creative."

I stick my bottom lip out and pout. He laugh and sucks my bottom lip into his mouth pulling me into a passionate kiss. That is quickly interrupted by four children saying "Ewwwww!"

Then all my husband can say is "meddling spawns." And that resorts into a slap. I giggle in the end though. I love my family.

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