Chap 3-continued

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After a few weeks, my dad comes home and so I walk out the door with Jay to say goodbye.

"Bye, Hails, I had fun these past few weeks. I love you." He says as he hugs me and I watch him leave and hop into his truck before taking off.

I don't know how to deal with the whole "I love you thing." I head back inside and my dad has already grabbed a beer and sat himself down on the couch. "Why was he here?" "I didn't wanna be alone." I mumble and he just stares at the t.v.

"I'm gonna go out for a little while. Do you need or want anything?" He makes no move nor does he respond so I just grab my keys and head towards the door. I don't notice him get up and when I open the door, he slams it shut.

"You aren't going anywhere, whore!" I stand, frozen and he continously screams at me before he just walks away. I walk to the stairs and he drags me by my hair. I let out a yelp of pain and he tells me to shut up before locking me in the basement.

All night, I scream and cry. Begging for someone, anyone to hear me, o3f course he wouldn't want me to so he tapes my mouth shut. Should have tied you up to bcz now you can just-RIP. The sound echoes as the tape falls to the floor. A ring also follows. My phone. I crawl over to the stairs and grab my phone, answering the call before my dad could heard the tone.

"Hello?" "Hey, baby. What are you doing? Chilling with your dad?" "Jay, I--." I take a breath, once you say this you can't go back. "Can you call 911?" "What!" "Shhh, keep your voice down. My father, he's, well he's-." "He's what, baby?" "He's abusive. I'm in the basement and my body hurts. I can't call 911 because he'll know. I can't explain it right now but please help me." God you sound so pathetic.

"I got you baby. Give me a few minutes and I'll call you back afterwards." "Okay. Please tell them to hurry." "Of course." I hang up and wait for a while before my phone sounds again. "They're on their way, me too." "What? You're coming?" "Of course. I'm not gonna leave you there with a bunch of strangers."

*15 minutes later* "Here's a search warrant. Hailey, you can come out now." I try to walk to the door but I can't make it up the stairs, my ankle's hurt. "Is there a Jay here?" I call out, sounding stupid. "Yes, would you feel more comfortable if he was in here?" "Yes, also I can't get up there. My ankle is hurt."

The next few minutes go by in a blur, I sit on the edge of an ambulance while they check me over. My dad put up a fight with Jay and I. He didn't wanna let me go and now I get to watch as the lights and sirens pass by with him in the back. I wish it could have been us, instead of just me but I love you guys. Forever and always. Life has a funny way of working out, doesn't it?

Jay walks up to me and we both sit in the back of the ambo, smiling at each other before I relish in the fact that he's really gone. No more pain, no more fear. I can breathe and it feels so good. I laugh and Jay laughs with me. That's when I know I don't have to be afraid to take the next step, I just have to know when I'm ready to take it and I have to believe that Jay will be here when I do.

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