Inspo: you keep seeing aro/ace hate

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I'm just so tired of feeling broken
Tired of feeling so invalid
Being told that I don't know myself
Told that I'm too young
Told that I will find someone
Even when I know I won't
But what they'll never see
Is the damage this does to me
It tears apart my insides
Makes me want to say goodbye
Even those who said that they'll support me
Have turned away and left me to be
To struggle, to worry
To wonder if I'm really loved

Usually I don't write notes to explain my poetry, but this one I feel is important and I really need to rant about it because it is a serious issue. I wrote this one because I keep seeing and hearing aromantic/asexual hate or discrimination; not only straights/homophobes picking on us, but LGTQIA+ members themselves discriminating against aromantics and asexuals. The LGBTQIA+ community is for anyone who does not identify with society's norms, and it is meant to be accepting to ALL. And yet, so many identities are discriminated against, including but not limited to aro's and ace's. Myself, identifying as both of these, I find it particularly hurtful. These people, often times these kids, trying to feel comfort in who they are, are being told by so many, often not just homophobic people they encounter but LGBTQIA+ members themselves that they are not valid. People are people, and all people have rights to feel how they do. Please, call out homophobia of all kinds, including acephobia, arophobia, transphobia, and all the others. This is an incredibly important topic to me which is why I wrote such a long-ish thing about it, because I know how it feels to be discriminated against and told that you're created wrong or told that you're 'too young to know', having experienced these way too much. I know how much it hurts and how badly it damages people and their mental health. So please please please, I am begging anyone who took the time to read this to spread acceptance so that people don't have to live feeling so broken. To everyone, whether LGBTQIA+ or not, YOU ARE VALID!

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