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"So, we're in?'" i whispered into my phone. A simple "Yes" came back and the call ended. I went over to the full length mirror on my wall and examined my reflection. I had dressed in a white t-shirt and navy straight jeans and pulled my jet black hair back. I headed over to my closet to slip on a pair of bright green heels.Then i made my way out. I had to get news to Reany.

I watched as the elevator counted out the passing floors, stopping every so often to let out its occupants. I was waiting impatiently for the 10 above me to glow. When the doors slid open to reveal a vast hallway with black marble flooring and sage green walls, i stepped out. My heels clicked as i walked down the hallway towards a black oak door, the same as the others. Above it was a gold plate with 1015 indented on it. I knocked and the sound echoed in the empty hall. "It's open Dill!", Reany yelled from inside. Dill was short for my last name, Dylan. My first was Aletha. I slipped in and found my self in a studio apartment that copied his way of dressing. The walls alternated between black and white, everything else in the place was of bright complementary colors. The furniture was kept to a minimum and only the electronics were uncontrolled. DeVotchka's "How It Ends" was playing from speakers above as i turned a corner to find Alloisios Reany sitting in an electric blue recliner skimming through a children's book of fables. He was of African and Chinese decent and it seemed like he brought all the best traits from the two sides. His skin was a warm brown and his hair was styled in a faux-hawk. He had gorgeous hazel eyes and stood exactly six feet tall. Id always told him he was too ugly to live but it was obvious to anyone that Alloisios was a twelve out of ten. We'd been friends since Pre-K and had developed a strong partnership. He'd been my counselor and i had always kept him in check when a 'stupid spell' got into him. He lifted his head and smiled. "We got the gig didn't we?" He already knew, so i cut the chatter. There was no time to waste in getting started "Get dressed because i need to give you details." He jumped up like a kid who had been promised a zoo visit and ran to his room to change. Shortly after, he appeared all decked out in black with purple sneakers and a long white cross hung on his neck. His "Jesus Peice" as he liked to call it.

We found a quiet, dimly lit jazz cafe and made our way to the back. I spilled the details over black peppermint tea. Jergen Walker Marks, a scientific sensei of sorts was taking over the minds of civilians slowly but surely. His face was everywhere and he wasnt even a politician. At first it had seemed that his knowledge of scientific matter had gotten him some groupies and his fifteen minutes of fame, but the fans grew and the severity of their love of him was mind-numbing. People began to emmulate him to the extent of losing themselves. individuals that publicly expressed their disinterest or dislike of him would disappear for days then show up strangely off and mechanical in behaviour. People were changing their names to match his initials or just changing their names to his completely. His books were number one on the market and he even had 'Jerg-Merch' out, which was slang for all the crap he put his face on to sell. J.W. Marks was a sensation past celebrity status and not many people seemed to think it strange. Except for the no-profile organization Balance which had employed me and Reany. They did exactly as their name implied; they kept the human race balanced in many ways. Not that they had complete control of what all affected society, but when things too over-the-top began to happen they would find a way to end it. Things such as wide-scale brainwashing.

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