10 Years Later (Series Finale)

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We start the episode with Damien at a bus stop, with all his friends standing around him.

"Well.. this is my last stop now.."


Karl is bawling his eyes out, as Burger tries to comfort him.

"Awh man.. it's gonna be rough without you around Damien.."


"Hey! Don't be like that! Just make sure you guys stick together! Like always!"


"This stinks..."


"Stay strong Ripper!"


"You stay strong out in North Carolina, dork!"


Priya looks down as Damien then hugs her.

Karl pushes Priya outta the way and hugs Damien tightly.

"D-DON'T..! GO~!"


"I have to buddy..!  Hey.. you take of yourself, yeah?"


Karl whimpers before wiping some of his tears off.



Damien starts to get on the bus as everyone waves him goodbye.

Damien waves everyone goodbye as the bus starts to move.



Karl then grabs onto the bus as Burger runs up and tries to get him off of it.

Damien sighs as Karl and Burger fall off.

The bus drives off as Karl looks on, still sobbing.

"I'll see you around.."


(10 Years Later)

We see that it's now a brand-new day, and Damien is now on another bus asleep.

"Hey. Kid."


Damien slowly starts to open his eyes.

"Welcome to Canada."


The driver walks off and laughs as Damien gets up and sighs.

We then transition over to another scene where Axel is chopping wood with her axe in the middle of a forest.

She wipes some of the sweat from her forehead as we see a little girl come running out.

"Hey, Allison..! What's wrong?"


"It's Uncle Alex on the phone! He wants you!"




Axel grabs the phone.

"Well, if it isn't Professor Dickhead! What's new?"


"Axel.. uhm.. I forgot to tell ya but.. Damien- he's coming back to Musyoka."


"...oh. Uh.. okay.."


"Look, we both know what he's done. But just try to go easy on him. He'll be in by your place in a bit."

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