2 ~ Wishes

29 2 0

To Tsukasa, Amane was an almost larger-than-life figure, hanging over his past and present like an unfurled curtain blowing gently against his back. He knew it was there, but he couldn't turn around to push the heavy fabric off of him. It practically stuck to him like a magnet to steel. So, the prospect of seeing his brother, this haunting figure, suddenly in front of him after so many years wasn't one he was ready to assume—or truly comprehend.

The supernatural bearing Tsukasa's features stared at him with an uncomfortable intensity—his near-golden amber eyes boring unwaveringly into Tsukasa's. Strangely enough, the supernatural had depicted Amane with his pupils hung in the top right corners of his eyes, vaguely reminding Tsukasa of waning crescent moons. It seemed familiar enough to him, but Tsukasa didn't trust his memories enough to confirm or deny this abnormality. Instead he noted other details, such as the choppy dark-brown bangs flattened against Amane's forehead by his uniform's hat. They looked identical to Tsukasa's, but closer inspection allowed him to pick out a slight difference in the way they parted their hair. Amane's hair fell slightly more to the right, while Tsukasa's fell to the left.

It was a stupid, insignificant detail. But, it was one that particularly stuck out to Tsukasa. He'd never had to worry about being mistaken for his brother before (mostly), so the need to find those tiny details that differentiated them was never something he thought about. It tickled his subconscious that he may actually have to worry about that now.

"No.7... I don't think he's going to answer," Nananime spoke up, startling both twins enough to make them jump/float back in turn.

Amane briefly shifted his stare to her, straightening his posture as if he finally remembered he was supposed to say something. "...I apologize for the silence, but I'm... confused." He turned back to Tsukasa, an unreadable emotion flashing in his eyes. "What do you mean I didn't make it to thirteen...? And... why are you..." He drifted off, glimpsing around Tsukasa's floating form. The boy's eyes eventually settled on the bathroom behind his brother and Nananime. Tsukasa narrowed his eyes.

"I said precisely what I meant," he declared, adjusting his position so his feet were underneath him. "My brother died when he was three. Some kind of illness. I'm sure a quick check into my book in No.5's boundary would have told you that," Tsukasa spat, looking on at the supernatural disapprovingly. "If you're going to pretend to be my brother, at least make the effort to learn stuff about him."

Not that you know any stuff about him, Tsukasa pointed out to himself. He pushed the thought aside.

"'Some kind of illness'...?" Amane furrowed his brows. After a moment, recognition crossed his eyes. "Oh! I had heart problems after I was born. Is that what you mean?"

Tsukasa shrugged. "Something like that. If you knew that, how come you're showing him as ten years older than he was?"

Amane stared at him again, seemingly in disbelief. "You seriously believe I died as a toddler, don't you?"

Tsukasa forced himself to nod, feeling his resolve falter somewhat at the genuine confusion in his twin's voice. "I know you- er, he did... I was right outside the room when the doctor pronounced him dead! It was two days before our birthday."

Tsukasa didn't remember a lot from those days. But, that particular day... that was one he remembered. Even down to the details of the eggshell-white flower bouquet he'd picked to put in his brother's sick room, and the desperate wails coming from his mother as she sobbed over the small figure she held wrapped up in a blanket. The boys' birthday two days later had been a half-hearted occasion, Tsukasa receiving both his and brother's gifts unceremoniously. The stifling air of grief hanging over the household had kept any excitement for the living twin's fourth year fervently silenced. After this, Amane's toys would be left collecting dust in the playroom, the younger Tsukasa not even daring to play with them for fear of upsetting his grieving mother.

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