4 ~ Strangers

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It wasn't uncommon these days for Nene to get caught up in something supernatural right after school—or even during it. In fact, she considered herself an almost-pro at identifying other-worldly shenanigans before they got too out of hand! In some cases, this definitely gave her a sense of pride. But in others—namely the one she found awaiting her—Nene wished she was happily ignorant of the spirit world once again.

A flash of a crimson crossed her view as Nene neared the third floor girls' bathroom. Standing before the partially-open door was a hooded figure in a red cloak, peering curiously inside with an iron un-lit lantern in his hands. Nene recognized this figure immediately, knowing if he was here, things were about to get very complicated. Without a second thought, she went on guard and began to approach him cautiously, keeping one fist gripped on the hem of her skirt to ground herself. She tried to ignore the panic slowly rising in her chest.

"...Aka Manto," Nene forced herself to speak, stopping a few feet away to keep a safe distance. "Why are you—"

"Shhh..." The boy turned his head to her, holding a gloved finger over his white mask. "There's something strange going on today... You should come see," he whispered, gesturing her over. He sounded amazed and slightly giddy by whatever he'd apparently discovered, which contrasted oddly with the unnervingly blank expression painted on his mask's surface. Said mask covered the boy's entire face, only allowing for two thin slits over where his eyes should've been to give any semblance of his true features. This was an enemy of Hanako, someone the child-like spirit didn't trust at all—which said a lot considering the boy's usually amiable nature. She decided it was best to stay on her guard, regardless of Aka Manto's evident passiveness.

After more eager beckoning from the apparition, Nene gripped her skirt tighter and cautiously stepped the rest of the way toward the door. Aka Manto gestured for her to stand beside him (perhaps a little too close for comfort, in Nene's opinion), and pointed inside the room. "See the boy on the floor?" He whispered, peering in as well once she'd begun looking. "He looks like Hanako, doesn't he?"

Nene nodded, her eyes immediately taking notice of Hanako's small form curled up on the floor in front of the middle sink. His head was facing the other direction, possibly looking out the window, but the silhouette was the same. Same hair, same hat; only his clothes were different. They looked more like the boys' uniforms Nene had seen in old photographs. It was unusual, to say the least, but not out of the realm of possibility; she'd seen him wear a plethora of alternate outfits before, usually with the intent of matching with someone (Nene) or to annoy them (Sakura and Kou). Maybe the spirit just wanted a change of pace?

"Well, he's certainly Hanako, but that apparition isn't Tsukasa," Aka Manto quietly declared, sounding positively ecstatic at the idea. The use of Hanako's living name startled Nene, causing her to glance confusedly at the cloaked figure beside her. "I think I have an idea who it is, but..." He chuckled strangely. "You wouldn't know of him."

Nene leaned closer to the door so she could get a better view, curling her fingers around the doorframe. The familiar boy inside evidently hadn't noticed them yet. She frowned. "...Who else could it be? There aren't more Hanakos, are there?"

Frankly, if there was another Hanako, Nene would assume it'd be a girl—considering the rumor. But the male Hanako she was bound to had never implied anything like that. And he'd never been one to keep secrets from her before, choosing instead to overshare for the most part. Besides, this didn't seem like the kind of thing he'd keep quiet... Unless he didn't know about it. Which, if that were the case, why did this unknown second Hanako only show up now? And where was the Hanako Nene knew?

"In another world, perhaps," Aka Manto replied, thoughtfully adjusting his hood so it hung further over his mask. Its eye-slits fell even more into shadow. "I think it might be Tsukasa's twin brother! Has our dear friend ever mentioned that he once had a twin? I wouldn't be surprised if not."

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