𝗖𝗛.𝟱 • 𝗨.𝗔. 𝗛𝗜𝗚𝗛

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feb.25 - 8:57am : the apartment : Aichi - Japan

25 - 8:57am : the apartment : Aichi - Japan

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"Y/n get your lazy ass up!" Was the first thing the e/c eyed girl heard when she woke up. The sound of her best friends horridly shrill voice making her jump out of bed. "Matteo what do you want." The girl says. She was still tired, and she was in the middle of a really good dream to. 

"We only have like, 30 minutes until the entrance exam begins! And we still have to take the subway!" Only then did the h/c haired girl jump out of bed and panicking. The walk from their apartment to the subway station was about 3 minutes if they took their time, and the subway ride was about 20 minutes long, the walk from there to UA being another 5 minutes.

"Wait, when does the entrance exams starts again?" The girl yells from her room as she starts running around her small closet, finding something to wear to beat up other kids in. "9:30!" Matteo yells from probably the kitchen as Y/n starts panicking even more. Luckily, it didn't take long to find something that gave her good mobility in. Just some sweats and a tank-top. Nothing too flashy. She rushes to put on her shoes and grabs her Motorola phone, that she refuses to replace, before grabbing a jacket and running out of her room. Her hair wasn't too bad, so she just grabbed a rubber band from a jar the duo kept on the kitchen counter and used it to tie her hair back.

"Bitch we don't need breakfast! We're going to be late!" Y/n yells at her best friend as she unplugs the toaster and grabs Matteo's hand, dragging him out the door. Matteo luckily grabbing the keys and locking said door after he's forcefully shoved outside. "Jesus, you could've at least let me finish making my food-" "We'll get food after the exams, my treat." The duo knew that was a lie. Hawks was paying for everything, he even gave them extra money just for them to spend as they please.

After sprinting to the subway station, they luckily got on. Now they were just stuck there for 20 minutes, praying that they wouldn't be late. "Y'know, if you would've actually though about setting an alarm, then we could've had enough time to make breakfast." Matteo huffs. "Don't blame me when you didn't set an alarm either. Lets just be grateful that we even woke up at all." "You're only saying that because you would've slept till 3 if you could."

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