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apr.21 - 3:21pm : UA : Musutafu  Japan 

21 - 3:21pm : UA : Musutafu  Japan 

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Learning for a few hours sitting uncomfortably in a seat pressed up against a desk was a bore. That was, until the bell rang. Y/n and Matteo sprang out of their seats to gather their belongings, accidentally sending a pencil flying at one of their classmates across the room. They were quick to rush out the door, but Ochako, out of everyone, stopped them. The doors were open wide, so what was her deal- Oh. There was seemingly hundreds of other students waiting in front of their classroom door.

'I just want to leave..' Y/n thinks to herself as everyone inside the classroom gasps, Ochako and the rest of 1-A yelling questions at the students outside their door as Matteo and Y/n simultaneously groan.

"Is this a sick joke or are people actually wasting their time here?"

"No clue, love."

Suddenly, Bakugou with his ever annoyed emergence decides to speak up as he strolls towards the unusually large doorway. "They're scouting out the competition, idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see us with their own eyes." The students outdoor begin to sweat, getting more nervous as Bakugou approaches.

"At least now you know what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras." Finishing his words, many inside the classroom shows their disapproval of Bakugous words, meanwhile Matteo and Y/n snicker to each other, silently cheering on the explosive blonde along with 4 others in the class.

"Woo, yeah Bakugou! Being an ass also works to get them out of our way!" A h/c hair, e/c eyed girl shouts with a grin, Bakugou sneering at her over his shoulder. "Shut the hell up!" Just then, his attention becomes drawn to a mysterious input from another students words.

"So this is Class 1-A. I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?" Oh shit. Amity Blight is about to get his shit rocked by a growling mutt. "How sad is it to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced into choosing a different track."

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