Snape tells Lupin

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To sum it all up, Snape tells Lupin he he really feels about him... may or may not be a kiss, idrk yet.. love you all!!

Snape's POV
I really don't know what has happened to me. I mean I feel like I have feelings for someone, and the relationship is never going to happen.
Ever since I walked into Remus's office earlier today, I have a different feeling towards him. I know that I am gay, I've known for years. But me liking Remus is absolutely absurd! Maybe he'll like me back...

Remus's POV
What just hapened? I found Severus Tobias Snape actually kind of fetching. I mean his body is just perfect from the years of picking up heavy cauldrons. I can't like Severus, what if he found out? He'd hex me into next year if he did. What am I going to do?
I decided to take a walk around the school. I really missed it here. I thought about all my old Hogwarts memories and then I thought back to when I was so mean to Severus, and how I never really wanted to be in the first place. I guess I got lost in my thoughts, and I ran into someone.

"My apologies, I didn't--" I was cut off by a kiss. I pulled away, for I did not know who it was.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Said a blushing Severus. I kissed him back. It felt like a million butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, and it felt like electricity was shooting up and down my body.

"I really like you, Remus." He said in between kisses. I broke the kiss.

"I do to, Severus." I said.

"So, what now?" He asked, his hair falling in his eyes.

"I think you should come to my private quarters on Friday night for dinner. What do you say?" I asked. His face lit up.

"I would love that." He told me, his eyes were beaming. My heart felt like it was going to explode.

"Then it's settled. Come around 8:00. I'll see you then." I said, giving him a quick peck on the lips, then I turned on my heals and walked back to my office. When I got there, I just realized;

I just kissed Severus Tobias Snape!

Ok so I told y'all that there would be a kiss, and there was! Please don't forget to comment and vote! I love you all!

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