What Are We Really?

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Hey guys! I feel like I dropped off the face of the earth or something. I'm actually writing two other books as well as this one, so it's kinda challenging to balance all three books, but I can do it. Anyway, just know that I will try to update everyday. Love you guys and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Severus's pov

Dinner was amazing. Remus is just perfect. I've always had a little crush on him since we were in school years and years ago. After he left, I changed my clothes and went to the kitchen to brew some tea.

After the tea was done, I sat in my chair and started to read a book when I heard a knock at the door. I walked to it and opened it. There was no one there, but there was a letter.

Severus T. Snape is all it said on the front. I opened it to find a short letter consisting of a few words.

Thanks a million for dinner. I really did have an amazing time. But there is one question I need answered. What are we really?

R. Lupin

What were we? I really didn't know. I grabbed a piece of parchment and wrote a response. I walked to the owlery and got my owl.

"Take this to Remus, Stan." I said. With that, the owl was off to Remus's chambers.

Remus's POV

I shouldn't have asked that. I'm so stupid, he probably doesn't want me that way anyways. Then I heard pecking on my window. I saw Sev's owl, Stan. I let him in, got the letter, and gave the owl a treat. I opened the letter.

Remus, we can be what ever you want us to be. Me, personally, I'd want to have more dinners and more kisses with you. I really do like you, and I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to date you. Will you date me?

I was wrong. I was terribly, terribly wrong. Sev wanted to date me. I did too. I was happy, for the first time in a long time. I was actually finally happy.

I know that this is a short chapter, but I'm kinda tired. I wanted to write something, so here you go. Hoped you liked it!

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