Y Aller ou ne Pas y Aller, Telle est la Questio

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To go or not to go, that is the question in french

Everyone stands up as they take in who is on the rooftop with them. "Nice to meet you Rip" Mick says as he goes to grab his gun. "I may have tampered with your weapons, and powers for those who have 'em" Rip says as he carelessly waves over the group. "I assembled you all because I need your help. The future is in peril because of a man named Vandal Savage." Rip says as he walks a mere inches away from people's faces. Ok dude I don't care what you did to them if you don't get more than an inch back I'ma punch you into next week" Circe says glaring at the man, who steps back scared of the demon.

"That can't be we destroyed him" Carter says as he and Kendra look between each other. "Yeah the green arrow and Flash helped us." Kendra says looking at Rip,

"Nearly died in doing so." Barry says, shaking his head with a little chuckle. "That was the day I just started believing anything was possible" Oliver says with a chuckle of his own.

And therein lies the problem. Unless you or Mr.hall deliver the death blow, Savage can be restored from a single cell." Rip says with his eyebrows raised, forehead creased as he looks at the couple. "The hell are you talking 'bout" Mick says looking at them as if they've lost their minds.

"I don't blame the guy, I'd be the same way if I heard them talking about coming to life so casually." Diggle says.

"Vandal is immortal, Kiera and I reincarnate." Carter says gesturing to him and Kendra. "Yeah...I've done that" Sara says nonchalantly, nodding her head. "I've done that wayy too many times in my demonic life." Circe says, rolling her eyes. Many people look at her weirdly causing her to shrug while winking at them.

"Demonic life? Nah who's been messing around with the devil, cause there's no way that's real" Cisco says looking at the screen shock in his voice. "Actually...." Barry says trailing off causing many to look at him. "B-Barry? W-what? H-how?" Kara says, looking at the man. "I mean...there's so many earth's it happens" He says nonchalantly and sheepishly.

"What the hell does this randal guy got to do with us?" Mick says aggressively to the man. "Vandal" Rip says, correcting the man. "Yeah no one gives a real shit what his name is man" Darcy says making the british man roll his eyes. "Yes well, In the future he will employ the evil he's perfected over his long life, and the power he has amassed through history. To finally conquer the world." Rip says, turning to look at the group. "W-wait..so what I'm hearing is world domination can happen. So cool!" Adelaine says making many look at her weirdly.

"Nothing about world domination sounds appealing, but only my sister would think it is" Caitlin says, shaking her head moving her hand side to side on her forehead. "The Nazi's said it all" Felicity says agreeing with the woman.

"H-how did it happen? Was it like a One man vs world type of situation? O-or l-like we were playing checkers and he was playing chess? Or l-like-" Adelaine goes onto ramble, "Look dude, It doesn't matter how it happened, it probably ain't a good thing." Jax says, putting his hand on the girl's shoulder. "Ditto Mr.Jackson" Stein says to the girl who just shrugs.

"Moving on...I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him. " Rip says. Everyone just nods along taking in the information. "How?" Sara says, breaking the silence. "To travel through time, to capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes." The British man says as he waves his hand over the city dramatically causing many to snort and chuckle at the dramatics.

"Everyone who laughed and chuckled would be correct." Thea says. "The dramatics are really broadway tier." Winn says, holding back a snort of his own."You said it brother" Alex says in agreement.

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