9# Listen To Me

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"then we should close this deal-"

Craig. Fucking Craig.

"miss...? T-the-" he's fucking stuttering at a time like this


I lose it, it's too deep note that, the anger is too fucking deep, try boxing, trying smoking, try drugs, try self harm, try yelling, try violence, fuck. That. None of them has ever helped my anger never truly ever fucking go away, it's still here with me day and night haunting me like a heart broken ghost.

I cry.

When I'm mad I cry hysterically.

It's pathetic, I know.

But right now I am trying my best to not cry.

Craig flinched.

"the car is ready! Everything! It's done!"  he says, loudly and clearly, the best I ever heard him. When he finished, he takes a tight breath.

It's ready. Thank the lord.

I turn around, I blink away the unshed tears from earlier. I pull my self together. I force a smile before I turn back around to face Craig.

"boss. We need you, there's already 5 rich men wanting to pre buy it!" he explained with his hands.

I'll go." says Dominic, cutting me off.

He walks away with Craig.

Less than 5 minutes later, Dominic is back, just by himself.

He takes a quick tight breath as he looks at me.

"I need, they need you, they want to talk to you, not me.. So come on ludovica."

Without replying back, I start walking to where I should be.

Flashing cameras, they rushed a champagne in my hand, so that only leave me to one decision, open it ludovica.

I shake it before I open it and shoots up to the roof, and on me, I expected this.

We celebrated, took pictures, cut the red rope in front of the new car, 3 men bought it no hesitation and I made 1.5 million just like that.

They left.

Now it's only me and Dominic left in the base, it's late.

We didn't talk, we just sipped champagne in silence.

He looks at me, I look at him, I look away, again and again.

The silence is oddly relaxing

He sighs, eventually.

"we did it." he says,  his expression stoic.


"you still want to end the deal now huh?"

I shoot him a look, then look back in my glass.

"do you still hate your business partner?"
I ask, rising my head to face him.

"those were angry words."

"so anger made you say that?" I raise an eyebrow.


"or did you change your mind because you saw that our deal worked out?"

His eyebrows meet together in confusion.

"of course not. I don't care about the deal"

"then you have no right to keep this deal going." I put my glass on the table and I get up, I wrap my hand around my dior purse ready to head out, shift is over, I'm exhausted.

He gets up frantically, closing our distance in two long strides, 2 steps and he's already next to me, he's towering me again. I hate that I have to look up to him, I'm the one who should have been taller than him, even though he's 5 years older than me.

He cups my elbjow and pulls me a little, he spins me to face him, not letting go of me.

"wait. Don't go ludovica."

"if I didn't care about the deal I would have been long gone little beast. I want to know you, I want to work with you, you are a powerful women and I want...."

His voice trails off, not breaking the eye contact, his electric blue eyes boring into mine.

"and I want to say I'm sorry... for shouting at you earlier."

I stop in my tracks. My eyebrows pull together.

"you're sorry?"

"yes, little beast why do you make that sound so hard to believe"

"because you are a callous human being whom I dont believe is sorry."

He takes a tight breath and looks over my shoulder and then back to me, in my eyes.

"you don't trust me do you?" he asks.

"no." I say bluntly, but it's the truth.

He draws circles on my elbow, on my skin with his thumb, I might strangle him.

"OK. You have... What? 5 million reasons to not trust me but I understand. That's why I'm gonna spend a whole month trying to earn your trust."

"do you think a month is enough to trust a human??"

"fine fuck it as long as you trust me I don't care how much it takes."

"okay. And don't call me little beast ever again." I warn him, pulling my elbow away from him.

"but that name matches you, your five foot something and a beast of a CEO."

"you don't even know my height"

"that's why we need to know each other better."

"im five foot 8 idiot"

"and I'm 6 foot 3 sweetheart."


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