Sophie's Biological Father

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Kenric Elgar Fathdon

A lot of people say this is impossible, as in Lodestar, Mr. Forkle told Sophie that Kenric was not her father. The interesting thing is the careful wording Mr. Forkle used. Instead of straight out saying 'no', he said 'Kenric was not involved in Project Moonlark' which sounds quite suspicious, right? And with all Sophie's other theories, Mr. Forkle said straight out 'no'.

What also interests me is that in Unlocked when Sophie and Councilor Oralie open her cache, her projection tells Kenric 'No. I swear, Kenric. That was part of the deal. I'm completely separate.' meaning Oralie was technically not involved either.

And Kenric seemed to know a little more about Project Moonlark than the other councilors, which would make sense if he was Sophie's father.

There are also a few lines in Neverseen where Mr. Forkle says;

'They have incredibly important reasons for remaining anonymous.'

'Should you finally settle on the correct answer, you will trigger a chain reaction that could topple our world.'

'So I will add that your genetic parents had no connection to each other. There was no unrequited love. They weren't even friends.'

The top two ones basically mean her parents are very important. And who is more important than the councilors?

As for the third line: We all know that Oralie and Kenric were in love with each other. But they weren't always. They actually used to hate each other! A lot! Mr. Forkle also used past tense words, saying 'had', 'was', and 'weren't'. That either means one of Sophie's parents are dead, or that they ARE friends or unrequited lovers now. We all know that Oralie is very much alive, but Kenric WAS dead when Mr. Forkle said that. AND we definitely know Oralie does not have a lover. Anymore, that is.

Ok, we know, as of Stellarlune, that Sophie gets her nervous habit (pulling out her eyelashes) from Oralie. Well, you know how Sophie counts seconds when she's trying to be patient? Kenric does (did) that, too. See:

'"It's been about three hundred seconds," Kenric announced several minutes later. "So it's time to tell me what's going on. This is my assignment- "'

His projection said this when Sophie, Oralie, and Dex opened his cache, in Stellarlune.

I've also noticed a lot of similarities between Kenric and Sophie's personalities. At the beginning of the series, Sophie is scared and struggling to fit in, but toward the end she gets more confident and relaxed, making her personality VERY similar to Kenric's.

Kenric is optimistic, friendly, confident, clear-headed, smart, likes to joke around, and would die to protect people he loves or cares about. (The last one is definitely true, considering the fact that it did happen) That almost exactly describes Sophie, especially toward the end of the series.

In Lodestar Sophie thought that she and Kenric had similar facial features. If Kenric was her father, it would be quite likely that she does share facial features with him.

Kenric was described as having bright red hair, and as we all know, Sophie has blond hair. However, her biological mother, Oralie, has curly blond hair, so that would have been where Sophie got it from. The thing is: Sophie's hair has more of a straight, wind-swept texture, which is the same texture Kenric's hair had.

Kenric also was a Telepath, just like Sophie. And we know that Sophie relies on her telepathy a lot. This could be because she manifested so young, but it also could be because that ability was more of a genetic thing, meaning it is more natural.

Second: we know, as of Legacy, that Sophie's telepathy is similar to empathy because she seems to automatically feel emotions without having to go to the emotional center of whoever's mind she is reading. And Oralie is an Empath, making that a genetic thing.

Anyway, that's all I have to say until KotLC Book 10 comes out.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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