Evan's time with Calypso

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Evan then remembered that Calypso gave him her number a while back and gave her a call, it rang for a few seconds till Calypso voice was heard

Calypso: hello?

Evan: hey Calypso

Calypso: oh! Evan it's nice that you're doing okay, is there something you need?

Evan: well i thought we could hangout together

Calypso: hangout?

Evan: yeah i got nothing to do right now

Calypso: i would be happy to hangout with you

Evan: great let's meet at the park

Calypso: alright

Evan ended the call and took a bath afterwards he was dressing in his usual clothes and placed a sticky note on the fridge that reads "i'm going out brb Evan" and left the house, he arrived at the park

He walked for an hour and was walking around the park looking for Calypso and saw her walking behind her, so he went to her and called her name

Evan: hey Calypso

Calypso: hello Evan it seems that you doing alright, but is your head and arm okay?

Evan: yeah but my head though it kinda hurts, but never mind that wanna get some ice cream?

Calypso: sure i saw one over there

Ice cream seller: g'day mate what can i get ya two?

Calypso: i would like to get a vanilla cone please

Evan: and watermelon for me

Ice cream seller: alright that'll be 3$. Calypso was about to pay but Evan instead paid for it

Calypso: you know you didn't need to pay i should be the one instead

Evan: it's alright i just wanted to pay for it and i'm the one who asked to hang out

Calypso: *smiles* i guess you right

They were walking and chatting while eating their ice creams then they sat down on a bench and chatted, till Calypso's ice cream fell on Evan's shorts "oh! sorry Evan, here let me get a napkin" she then gave it to Evan and he wiped the ice cream off

"hey Calypso wanna go to the markets?" Calypso agreed and they went to the markets and Evan told Calypso to stay there while he gets some food, Calypso was waiting on a table and her phone got a notification and she looked to see that Chilli texted her something

Meanwhile Evan was buying some apple juice and saw Mrs. Retriever so he went to her and she saw him

Mrs. Retriever: oh! Evan it's nice seeing you here

Evan: hi Mrs. Retriever what's your stand about?

Mrs. Retriever: well i sell some fairy bread, cupcakes, milo brownies, strawberry tarts and lamingtons

Evan: wow these look really good Mrs. Retriever

Mrs. Retriever: why thank you Evan

Evan: well might as well buy some. He bought 2 of everything and paid it all

Mrs. Retriever: oh Evan are you sure? this is alot you bought

Even: it's alright plus it helps you out too, also if ya don't mind me asking what's your name?

Mrs. Retriever: it's Lucy and thank you Evan

Evan nodded and went off back to Calypso, she was walking back from the bathroom but saw that the table was now occupied then she saw Evan holding alot of food she helped him with it and they looked for a table but they couldn't find one

Then Evan found a nice little spot under some trees and it was a good thing that Calypso had a blanket she set it on the ground and they sat down and placed the food down "Whoa this is a lot of food you bought" Evan then gave Calypso her a apple juice and they ate the food

Fast forward it was 5:57 and they finished all the food they bought and they got up and walked back to the park they were chatting about their hobbies etc

Evan: *yand and smiles* looks like i'm getting a little tired imma hed back now this was a nice day Calypso bye

Calypso: *smiles*yes it was a very nice day with you Evan and rest well bye


Calypso: ★☆☆☆☆

Wendy: ☆☆☆☆☆

Doreen: ☆☆☆☆☆

Jeffy: ☆☆☆☆☆

Sam: ☆☆☆☆☆

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