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m a n m o h i n i . r a j a . m a n n a r 

Manmohini's ten years allowed her to discover solace in every moment, despite the persistent ache of separation that pierced her heart. Over time, the wounds inflicted by past sorrows began to mend, allowing the gentle breeze of healing to sweep through her soul. As the days unfolded, she underwent a remarkable transformation, breaking free from the confines of her innate shyness and self-imposed isolation. With each passing day, Manmohini emerged from her cocoon, revealing a newfound extroverted characteristic that radiated confidence and boldness. 

The once-muted voice within her now echoed with the courage to articulate thoughts she had long kept hidden. The transformation was visibly profound, and her circle of friends expanded steadily. Among all these interactions, one particular connection stood out — the profound friendship with Anirudh. From the very first day, Anirudh had been a constant presence, a pillar of support in Manmohini's journey of self-discovery. The bond that had formed between them evolved organically, deepening with the passage of time.

However, there was one fact with she had not known. What she believed to be simply an ordinary child who she had coincidentally met, was actually yet another move wisely calculated by Raja Mannar. Anirudh, whose father was a profound member of the Ghaniyar tribe, had been sent by the King Raja Mannar as someone who could protect Manmohini till she got out of her initial discomfort. Anirudh who had been unwilling at the time, had reluctantly too had to leave behind his own life, for his father preferred the assets delivered by the king rather than his own son. 

However, as the 10 years swiftly passed by, Anirudh too discovered a great bond with Manmohini. While he was unable to digest the idea of lying to her and believed he should tell her the truth, he was worried about the consequences. His fear of telling the truth only to see Manmohini's betrayed face far outweighed his intent of honesty. He'd rather hide the thorns by the soft rose petals of oblivion, for he did not want to lose his beautiful friendship with Manmohini.

Over 10 years, Manmohini had not only grown mentally, but a physical change in her appearance had to be noted as well. Her once short stature had grown pretty significantly, reaching the decent height of 5'5. She had dark doe-shaped eyes, a finely defined face, and a smile that shimmered. She had medium-length hair, which fell in waves on her chest. The rich-black hair, had a small tint of brown in it, one especially visible when facing the sun. Simply the aura she radiated had changed. 

But how would her loyalty in the politics of Khansar change?

v a r a d h a . r a j a . m a n n a r

Varadha's ten years strengthened his soft resolve, stripping him of his child-like innocence that bore deeply into his soul. He had gained allies among the palace, yet there was no doubt that he still stood shunned away. His dungeon days had disappeared soon after the first few days, but his status and his pride had never returned. His arms still remained silver-less, the mark of his power abandoned, much like his father's attitude towards him. Yet in silence he lived, with an empty heart, filled with two cascaded holes. 

Two pieces had broken apart, one taken that day since he departed out of Khansar, and the other taken the day she left too. With that silence, came a sense of a solemn loneliness, one not of peace, but rather emptiness. Yet the tables were turning, wheels were churning, as the twinkling bells of change rang across the challenging fortress. A plan was formulating, one that would turn out to unfold a series of mysteries with it. Bhaarava, Raja Mannar's esteemed son-in-law had approached Raja Mannar, requesting him to take pity on his son's condition. 

"Maharaja, he was only an adolescent when he foolishly tossed away his silver bracelet. He has suffered quite enough for his mistake. Don't you think it is time to forgive him now?"

"Bhaarava, your word holds truth but how can I forget my own son tossing away what I had put blood, sweat, and tears to earn?"

"Maharaja, after all, he is your own son. And isn't it the pride of every father to see their son displayed upon a throne, rather than the cold wooden floor? After all, politically as well, this may only land in your favor!" 

Raja Mannar, agreeing with this, called a meeting of all the Doras in the royal court, inviting Varadha as well. Turning to all his subordinates, he began, "This sudden meeting without former notice stands not without purpose. After careful deliberation, I have come up with the decision of freeing Varadha from his solitude and re-giving him the status of a Dora."

The nine subordinates looked at each other, emotions of shock mirroring their faces, Rudra's being the strongest. Varadha simply gave a sinister smirk, thinking it time to reclaim his glory, However, Raja Mannar was the king, the karta, and any word against his decision would speak of clear treason. 

Raja Mannar continued, "I will also be departing Khansar for at extended period of time, a sudden emergency causing for this abrupt absence. In the place of my position, Radha Rama Mannar will the the acting king till I return. By the time I come back, I wish to see Varadha on the throne. Ranga, I believe you should have no problem giving up your spot?" And he left.  

As soon as he left, with his beloved daughter and his silent son trailing behind, the court of the palace erupted in chaos. This sudden decision angered many, particularly Ranga and Rudra. Rudra had gotten angry as he haboured a deep dislike for his half-brother, whereas Ranga was instilled with rage and jealousy for having to give up his power. His father had been the one who had gotten the land from Varadha many years ago, and he was unwilling to give it up. 

Bhairaava said, "we all know why he asked for your throne Ranga. After all, just because a stray dog picks up a golden bone, the bone doesn't become his. But alas, all our thrones stand in danger."

Rudra, a scheme etching in his mind said, "The king has said he would like to see Varadha on the throne before he returns, but what if Varadha himself isn't there? He's killed." Ranga showed much excitement to his plan.

Bhairaava continued, "After all, the constitution does say the strongest shall prevail. And who is the king to defy the rules of the constitution."

The strongest shall prevail after all, but who is the strongest?

d e v a r a t h a . "s a l a a r" . r a i s a a r

Devaratha's ten years had been one of intentional subtlety, his mother taking them to a far away town to shelter them from being stuck in the crossfire of Khansar. He had never forgotten his dear friends, a chapter of his past, waiting to be reopened. He had become a mechanic, his strength kindling with fire. But his power, his willingness to fight, his desire for action had never faded. And soon it would reignite, soon he would reunite, and there was only thing certain when that would happen.

 Either Khansar would go up in flames, or it would cascade water falls of blood. 

short author's note:

so reunion won't be happening till a bit later, bc first all the pre-entry events have to occur. but if you guys have any scene/idea suggestions or anythign particular you want to see, feel free to comment ideas. <33

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