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The aftermath of Varadha and Manmohini's plan unfolded in the shadow of looming consequences. Though they had successfully spared two innocent lives from the ruthless conspiracies within the palace, the tangled web of consequences continued to weave itself around them. How would the manage to save themselves from the potential questions they would have to answer. Unkown to Raja Mannar, the patriarch of Khansar, Deva's sudden absence went unnoticed amidst the chaotic undercurrents that gripped the kingdom.                                         

However, the absence of the glittering silver bracelet on Varadha's wrist did not escape Raja Mannar's discerning eyes. The glint of the emblem of lordship, once proudly worn by his son, was now conspicuous in its absence. A fierce storm brewed within Raja Mannar's gaze, and the accusation pierced through the air like a sharp blade. "How could you give up your honor?" he demanded, his voice laced with both anger and betrayal. "Why did you throw it away?" 

Varadha, resolute in his pledge of silence, bore the weight of his father's wrath with a steadfast composure. His gaze remained fixed upon the floor, a silent protest against the storm that raged within the palace walls. Despite the consequences and potential punishments that loomed like shadows, Varadha stood as an immovable figure, refusing to yield to the tempest of his father's anger.

Raja Mannar's voice cut through the charged atmosphere with a command that sent shivers through the palace. "Throw him in the dungeon. Today, he lost all right to be my son," declared the stern patriarch. The pronouncement hung heavy in the air, the gravity of the sentence reverberating through the hall. Varadha, facing the dire consequence of his defiance, did not flinch.

Manmohini, who up until now hadn't uttered a single word, her heart heavy with anguish, couldn't bear the weight of the verdict. "No, Anna!" Turning to Raja Mannar, she pleaded, Please, he's your own son," desperation etched in her tear-streaked face.

Raja Mannar's gaze remained firm and unbending. "He is no son of mine," he retorted, the words cutting through the familial bonds that once held them together. In the midst of the turmoil, Manmohini found herself sentenced as well. "And you, Manmohini. Do not think you have escaped the punishment as well. You may not have had as much fault, but you were there at the scene, but refuse to spill the truth. From today, you are forbidden to meet Varadha."

Manmohini's cries echoed through the palace halls, a lamentation of the ruptured bonds within the royal family. "No, Anna, please!" she called, her hands reaching out desperately. The decree, however, remained unaltered, sealing the siblings' fates in a decree of separation.

As Varadha was led away towards the foreboding dungeon, his silhouette disappearing into the darkness, his eyes holding a silent apology to Manmohini, who was left standing alone, her heart torn between loyalty to her brother and the palace order of her father. The once tranquil palace now echoed with the resonance of familial conflicts, the rift between father and children growing wider with each passing moment.

In the depths of despair, Raja Mannar called upon Radha Rama, the kingdom's eldest and cherished daughter. Approaching Manmohini, Radha Rama, who always held a special place in her heart for the youngest sibling, embraced her with a mix of sympathy and understanding. Despite her not being a small child anymore, Manmohini had matured quickly.

Raja Mannar had gone blind. He had not gone blind out of love for a son like Dhritarastra, but rather due to his relentless pursuit of power and this love for the kurchi, the throne. The once-red throne now bore the gruesome stains of bloodshed, a stark contrast to its former elegance. The blood had painted the canvas, a deadly stain, rather than a lovely painting

Varadha Raja Mannar, wearing the same attire but devoid of his usual smile, reflected the shadow of worry and apprehension. He feared for the future and the harsh consequences that awaited. He worried for the challenges that they would face Above all, his concern was for his sister, left alone to face whatever challenges came her way.

Despite the uncertainties, one thought dominated Varadha Raja Mannar's mind – no more living life on others' terms. He was the son of the king, the son of the Raja. Who would have the power to order him? Rather than continuing in the inferiority, it was time for him to regain the confidence, not bowing down to anyone anymore.. As the shadows of the cell lingered, determination fueled him to assert his independence. However, sleep eventually claimed him, keeping him in its grasp.

Meanwhile, Manmohini Raja Mannar, tearfully asleep under the covers, tried to escape the harsh reality imprinted on her memory. Yet a striking difference shone on her face. Her innocent serenity in her eyes had transformed into deep hatred and anger, brewing a storm of dark clouds in her mind. Unbeknownst to her, she would soon bid farewell to Khansar and enter metropolitan life.

Radha Rama Mannar devised a clever plan to "safeguard" Manmohini from palace conspiracies. She felt it would protect her and keep her away from the bloodshed, the problems. She presented it to Raja Mannar as a beneficial strategy, emphasizing Manmohini's education in Bangalore for knowledge in financial and political affairs. This, Radha argued, would secure the throne and benefit the palace. With these convincing words, Raja Mannar agreed to the plan.

Thus the three closest friends each went their own way, each taking their own path, but never letting go to the string that held them all together. 

ah author's note: so honestly im not super proud of this chapter but it basically wraps up most of the prologue. within the next 1-2 chapters the story will start following the characters who are now adults. also please feel free to comment on the story! i love interactive readers. 

and also ah im starting to ramble but im thinking of introducing another ??new?? character. and uh maybe making him another potential love interest/second lead? we'll have to see but that's it for now. thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote. 

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