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Raja Mannar stepped vacated the throne of Khansaar for a brief period, leaving to a foreign country to address an important business. However, the nefarious Sardars schemed with the intent and of nothing but destruction and a greed, a lust for power. Towns across Khansaar turned into shocking infernos, as they went up in flames of devastation and annihilation. Bodies lay dead across the floor, various stabs visible through the trails of blood that lay painted on the innocent civilians. Screams of terror, screams of sorrow, echoed across the hideous darkness that prevailed.

Varadha's residence, the town of Pathran, also fell victim to the raging flames. The echoing gunfire shattered the silence of the night, jolting him awake. Startled, he hurriedly rushed to see the unfolding events. The sight was shocking, various weapons being fired toward him with much force. With only a sole gun, there was only so much he could defend, before finally, he found himself battered, falling to his knees on the harsh floor.

Ranga maniacally rushed towards him, the knife in his hand eager for some action, but he was stopped by the likes of Rudra, who too wished to extract his vengeance.

"Ranga, you only want to slit his throat. But I, I want my hands on the Manarsi tribe pride he is wearing, his nathooni!" Rudra slowly went down to the level of Varadha, his hands just reaching the nathooni, when suddenly-

The peace bells of Khansaar's Decree rang like the cool breath of air on a hot summer day, halting the chaos of violence. The Decree had everyone shackled to the rules, and no one dared to defy it, despite the confusion etched on their faces. Anger mirrored the expression of both Rudra and Ranga, but Varadha only let out a sigh of relief, as they all made their way to the royal court.

Fuming with anger, Rudra stormed into the court, his voice erupting in a harsh scream that reverberated through the hall. "Who dares to stop me? Who possesses the audacity to halt my decisions? Answer my questions!" His roaring words lingered in the air, only to be abruptly silenced by a commanding voice that boomed across the chamber.

Emerging from the shadows, the unmistakable figure of Radha Rama Mannar came into view. In the absence of Raja Mannar, the responsibility of the kingdom had been entrusted to his eldest daughter, Radha Rama Mannar. In the chaos left by her father's departure, Radha Rama Mannar's presence became a barrier, her decisions playing a key role in shaping the current situation.

"Hey, fool, this is the court of King Raja Mannar. Regardless of the king's presence or absence, it is nessecary that no one raises their voice, maintaining respect for the throne. It was I, Radha Rama Mannar, who intervened to halt you, Rudra."

Ignoring the obvious, Rudra let anger cloud his judgment. "Who are you to make such decisions?"

"As the representative of the King, I have the authority to make decisions. It is this authority that has spared your lives. If it were solely up to me, you would have been beheaded by now! Henceforth, I decree an end to any violence among the lords of Khansaar. As the acting King, I impose a ceasefire!" Radha Rama Mannar's voice, filled with authority, silenced the court.

Bhairaava, employing clever tactics, wasn't willing to let his efforts go to waste. Twirling his bloody hand behind Rudra, he whispered, "The royal decree!"

An idea dawned on Rudra as he declared, "Under the Khansaar Decree, all stand equal. The book grants the right to defy anyone in Khansaar, even the king. I, Rudra Raja Mannar, as a lord, propose a vote to lift the imposed ceasefire!"

Radha Rama Mannar, forced to succumb to the Decree, simply nodded at the head council member, who said, "In nine days time, the decision of whether the ceasefire should or should not exist will be taken by the voting process that will be held in Kotagada!"

Ranga's triumphant shout echoed through the court as he left, celebrating his percieved victory. Behind, Rudra trailed with a seething anger at the throne, a storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface. Radha, equally displeased by this display, exited the court, her departure marking the end of the proceedings and leaving a lingering silence in the air. The only sound heard was the slight flip on the pages of the Khansaar decree, fueled by the windy night sky. The atmosphere hung heavy with tension, the aftermath of conflicting emotions and unresolved matters that had unfolded within the regal confines.

However, it would be naive to think that the Lords would remain inactive until the voting day. The evolving political drama instigated a noticeable restlessness among the Lords, Governors, and all parties concerned, leading them to mobilize their merciless and powerfu armies. The imminent decision cast a shadow of urgency, propelling a flurry of activity as alliances were established, strategies crafted, and forces assembled. The political arena transformed into a battleground where the clash extended beyond just words, with the formidable influence of military strength included as well. A confrontation that transcended the boundaries of the court, unfolding across the expansive domains of power and influence was certain, and one could not count the blood drops that would be spilled.

The Republican Army of Siberia, The Black Brigade Army of Austria, The Frontier Rebels of Ukraine, The Vazir Lashkar of Afghanistan, The KGB Rebel Outlet of Russia, The Resistance Militia of South Sudan, all entered Khansaar, their formidable guns, although unused, still echoing silently.

Varadha's trusted aide urgently relayed the new entries in Khansaar to Varadha. "Rudra has summoned the Pandit, Narang has reached out to the Russians, and the governors have enlisted fifty men each! Seven hundred entries have already came into Khansaar today; who knows how many more will come in tomorrow!"

Baachi, Varadha's younger brother, approached him with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Have you any idea how formidable each of these armies is? Tell me! How many forces are we mustering? Where is our army? How many warriors do we have?"

Varadha calmly responded, "Just two."

But those two psychopaths, would be far more powerful than the strength any army could provide.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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