What is happening?!?!?

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     "W-Why....m-my.....n-name....What????" I stuttered.

     "Get off of me!" Ben said. He pushed me off of him. And...that's all I remember. I woke up in my bed. My calender was new...a year later...flowers...everywhere...and...a knife.

    "MA!" I called. She came stomping up the stairs, "What day is it? Why do I have flowers? And WHERE IS BEN?!"

     "Ok...it's June 21st 2015, you were in a coma, and I don't know." She answered.

     "I have to go." I said and changed. I walk to the house Ben lives. The...old house was new. I knocked. There was shuffling. Ben answered the door.

   He stared at me. I glanced at him. "Your...here..."

     "Yeah..." I looked down at his arm. I went to grab his arm but he growled at took it away. There was a tall shadow in his house, "is that your dad?"

     "No..My mom..." He snickered as he said that. I waved and a slender arm waved back. He caught me smiling and shoved me. He slammed the door and I heard talking. I walked home.

     "I'm going to get groceries. Bye. See you later." My mom said.

     "Ok...Bye" I said. She left and I sat down to watch some Netflix. The was a knock on the door. I opened it.

     Ben poked my chest, "Why did you come to my house?"

     "Hey man...I'm sorry..." I apologized.

     "Never come to my house ever again."


     "Just don't." He walked away.

     I'm done with this bullshit. I pulled him back and pulled up his other sleeve. "Circuts?" He pulled his arm away and ran.

     "Ok...I'm done." I went to my room and fell asleep.

    The next day

     "Hey mom. I'm going out side." I said and ran. The forest was more beautiful than ever. I smiled to myself. I hope that pond is bigger...I'm ready for a swim. I walked to the pond, that once was small.

     "Oh my Jesus." To my surprise there was a water fall. Did we move? I shrugged it off and jumped in. I was relaxing and swimming. I guess I fell asleep.

     "JOURNEY! Your mom wants you home!" I heard in the darkness. I opened my eyes and Ben was there looking pissed. I got up and dried off. He waited for me.

     "Why did you come get me and not her?" I asked glaring at him.

     "Because......ummmm....she knew I knew where you were?"

     "Was that a question or a statement?"

     "Statement?" He looked at my scowling face, "Statement."

     I fake coughed and went off on my way to my house. He walked next to me. I wasn't bothered by it. I was bothered when we were just about to get out of the woods when he pulled the collar of my shirt backwards.

     I stumbled and he kicked my stomach to make me fall.

     "Damn you Ben." I got up and slapped his face. His eye twitched and he lunged at me. I instinctively ducked. He flew face first in to a tree.

     "Omg Ben!" I pulled him to the pond and washed his face off, "Ben what the hell is wrong with you?" I picked him up bridal style and bring him to my house. I brought him to my room and laid him on the bed. I went to the bathroom to get the first-aid kit.

     I came back to see him looking at my pictures. "BEN LAY DOWN NOW!" I yelled. He jumped and laid back down on my bed. I walked up to him and cleaned all of his cuts. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I slapped his hand, "what the fuck is wrong with you?"


     "You act like I did something! Then you try to fight me! But now you looove me! What the hell?"

     "I am sorry. I just haven't seen you in a..." he shot a glance at my chest, "long time..."

     I growled and raised a hand to slap him. I looked at his face. I can't hit him! I'll open up his cuts and he will never heal! I lowered my hand. I left my from to go tell mom that Ben is staying for awhile.

     "Why?" She asked.

     "Well...he tripped and fell now he has cuts all over his face. And he can't move until tomorrow because he hurt his foot." I lied.

     "How nice of you!" She said and handed me a plate. I brought it up to Ben and he was looking through my phone. I ran to him and took my phone away.

     "No no no no no no." He grabbed my phone back and had held it out of reach. He was looking at my photos. I calmed down. We both had looked through every single one...Well almost. I saw a picture of us kissing. He tried to skip over it.

     "Ahem....What was that Ben?" I took my phone and went back to it. It was in the forest. I had accidentally took a picture after he fell onto me. He had passed that moment and said it was on accident. He was...lying. He enjoyed it and had a devilish look in his eye. While I, on the other hand, had a terrified look on my face.

     "Heh...let's just delete that..." He said grabbing for my phone. I jerked it away.

     "Why? Because one picture can tell a whole story?! You loved me didn't you?! Is that why I'm not allowed at your house?!"

     Before he answered I interrupted him, "Go to sleep."

     I walked down stairs and slept on the couch. I felt some one pick me up. I opened my eyes to see my mom. I was to tired to say stop. Soon she laid me on a bed and I could feel the comfort of her.

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