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"So Y/n I expect your rooting for Real Madrid?" Asked the woman interviewing me.

I looked into the camera and adjusted my black dress.

"Of course. I'm not a huge football fan but I'll always root for the team my brother plays for."

The woman nodded. "And do you think he will score a goal?"

"I hope he will. That would be amazing, especially for a big game like this."

"Do you know how your brother is feeling about this upcoming game?"

I paused before replying, "Jude is worried, but I truly don't blame him. I would be to if I went against Barcelona."

"Alright that will be all. Thank you Y/n for joining us today."

I then thanked her for inviting me to the set and grabbed my stuff off the table behind the cameras. As I walked I looked in my phone camera to see how my hair held up. But since I wasn't paying attention I accidentally bumped into a man. He also just finished his interview.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"It's okay don't worry-hey your Jude Bellingham's sister right?" He asked.

"Yeah. And your Marc Guiu from Barcelona?"

"Mhm. Mind if I get a picture this is really cool."

"No I don't, I was just gonna ask the same thing." I giggled.

He then smiled and stood next to me as he took the picture. His arm wrapped around me.

"If you post that picture on your instagram can you tag me in it? That's a good picture." I smiled, looking up at him.

"Yeah of course. Lemme follow you real quick."

I then nodded and followed him back, making us mutuals.

After talking for a while we both parted ways and I drove back to my hotel. I had to get good sleep for the important game tomorrow.


While waiting in line at the hotel's breakfast restaurant I noticed something strange. My instagram blew up.

Did I really go viral or something?

Then as I opened the app I was met with a dumb reality. Marc's fangirls were mad at me over a silly picture.

I scrolled and scrolled and the ratio of hate to positivity comments was concerningly bad.

I then texted Marc some screenshots with a laughing emoji.

Yeah sure I thought he was cute but the idea of dating him after only just meeting him last night was funny.

I then got a quick reply from him as he also laughed about it but also apologized on behalf of his fans which I thought was cute.

We proceeded to text for a while, even call. And at the end of it he posted a screenshot of our call to his story to piss off his weird fan girls even more.

It was a fun morning. Until I realized how behind schedule I was and I was suddenly in a stressed rush. Not only did I have to get ready for the game but I also had another interview.


"Hi Y/n, nice to see you. So we'd like to start this off with your match predictions."

"Well..although I respect Barcelona I'm going to have to predict 3-2 as the final score, Real Madrid winning."

"And who do you think will be the goal scorers?"

"For Madrid I think Jude will score two goals and maybe Luka Modric will score one as well. And for Barcelona I'd say maybe Lewandowski or Gavi..or maybe Marc Guiu he seems to show potential."

The interviewer smirked at my mention of Marc.

"Speaking of Marc Guiu..there are rumors circulating of the both of you dating. Can you confirm this?"

"I admit he's fun but I haven't known him enough so I really only consider him my friend."


I looked at my phone screen watching Y/n be interviewed. I admired her features. Her pretty long hair, stunning dress that perfectly fit her body type. She had just finished saying she thinks I could portentously score a goal in this match.

Hector Fort sat next to me spectating over my shoulder, he was one of the few people who knew how I felt about Y/n so he was interested in seeing how this would play out.

She was just asked on the rumors of us dating.

I turned to look at Hector, he looked at me. I blushed when Y/n started replying.

But my heart was quickly crushed when she only described me as a friend.

Of course I wasn't expecting her to call me her boyfriend or anything but it hurt being friend zoned. I could tell Hector was trying to find the words to comfort me but was struggling.

Until he spoke up.

"Look Marc. She probably only said that because all though you guys get along it is early on in the friendship. She also probably doesn't want controversy or the media to annoy her with it."

"I know. I know. You're right Hector it's nothing." I mumbled. I then put away my phone for the time being and went to talk to the other guys in the locker room.


Once the interview was over I changed into my Bellingham jersey and made sure to send Jude and Marc good luck texts before the game.

(Next chapter will be the game!! Can't wait ! Btw it's coming out like really soon.)

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