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After having breakfast at the hotel's restaurant I had to contact my manager and tell her about how Marc agreed to go in the photo shoot for Nike. We called for about an hour before we were done and I had to start packing for the trip.

But since I had the time and money I knew I wanted to buy new clothes.

So here I was at the local shopping plaza, a Dior bag in one hand and a Prada bag in the other. I was on the hunt for a new swimsuit since I wanted to hang out at the beach after the photoshoot.

My feet ached a bit from the heels I wore.

Then as I walked through the displays in the Versace I found the perfect bikini. I loved it. I didn't love the price but I loved it. I swiftly grabbed it and went to the trying room wear I was even more impressed by this swimsuit. It perfectly fit my body and the color boldy stood out.

I bought it without hesitation. And now with that out of the way I was back to packing my bags.


I looked at my phone next to my white suitcase. It read, "I just finished packing, I'll pick u up at ur hotel in around 15 mins."

I replied with a simple, "Ok :)" and decided which shoes to bring with me since it was the last thing for me to pack within my two suitcases.


I sat on the couch in the lobby sipping a coffee I picked up earlier. Though I was interrupted when I got a text from Marc stating he was here. I then got my luggage and went to his car.

"Hey." He greeted me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Hi Marc." I smiled back.

He then put my suitcases in his back seats of his car and we made our way to the airport. We talked along the drive but for majority of it I had to call my manager about the hotel arrangements and such.

I loved my job but at the same time it had a tendency to be stressful.

But through all of this I had Marc reassuring me and helping me through the stress.


Once we boarded the flight after putting up with the business of the Barcelona airport I could take a comfortable and much needed sigh of relief. The flight was scheduled to be quick as it was only around an hour.

"Have you ever modeled before?" I asked Marc.

"Nope, I honestly am a bit nervous too, especially for a big brand like Nike."

"Thats reasonable..if it helps you feel better I've done a lot of modeling work and I'm still just as nervous as when I did my first shoot."

"Really? I never would've expected that, you look so natural and stunning.."

I smirked and turned my head to look at Marc.
"Thanks babe." I then cupped his face with my hands and kissed his lips.

Once we landed in Girona we got a taxi and were brought to our already reserved hotel. We were to share a room. Which honestly surprised me but I wasn't complaining. We also found a box sent by Nike with what we were supposed to wear for the shoot.

I changed my clothes so I would wear the Nike bikini underneath with normal clothes on top, and Marc did the same.

I then reached out to my Manager who sent me the location of where the photographers were and we got a taxi to the beach.


"Y/n L/n and Marc Guiu?"

"Yup. We're here." Marc greeted a man with cameras.

I then spotted my manager.

"Hey! Do you know when this is gonna end? We haven't had a proper lunch yet." I stated as Marc stood behind me looking at his phone. I glanced back and read the time, 4:00 and we both grimaced at each other.

"Well Y/n this should be done in around an hour it's not too many photos."

"Alright thanks."

"Of course."

Once the cameras and equipment was set up we took off the clothes we had on top of our swimwear and the photos for me were first.

"Alright y/n first I'm going to need you to put your hands on your hips and slightly extend your leg like this on the sand, now look into the sunset." The man then showed an example of how to pose my leg.

I followed and the camera flashed. He reviewed the pictures and was satisfied with them.

" I'm gonna need you to hold your left hand to your head and slightly move your shoulder like this, while crossing your right leg infront of your left." He once again gave a little example and I did what I was told.

We then took a few more pictures before it was Marc's turn.

But before he started he hugged me and complimented how I did.

The man then told him his poses and Marc awkwardly followed.

I sat on the sand and looked at the shoot unravel. I couldn't help but giggle to myself as Marc fumbled the directions the man was giving him.

After this we had a photoshoot together where we posed in the water and infront of the sunset. I loved it.


After the photoshoot we got dinner but we went to a buffet since we didn't have lunch and were starving.

We talked about the experience and planned our upcoming day in the city of Girona.

This chapter is one of my longest ones yet but I hope you guys enjoyed it!! Some drama will be happening in the next chapter so look forward to that 😉(btw did you guys see Marc's new haircut?! 😭

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