♛. chapter 4

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louis seriously wanted to murder harry right about now.

it was 6 in the bloody morning and he was already shaking him awake. and no. it's not okay. at all. he blindly kicked, hoping to get him and smiled victoriously once he felt harry's leg and heard a hiss of pain. sure, he's a guest and his parents did teach him manners but like. he didn't like harry. instead of apologizing, he grabbed the pillow that harry slept on and put it over his head.

"no. get up, louis. we have to get ready for school." and okay, that definitely woke louis up a good bit. he shot up, his eyes wide in shock, causing harry great amusement. louis eyes squinted into a glare.

"you're lying." he stated through gritted teeth. harry chuckled softly as he shook his head. he stood up, still in nothing but his boxers, with some sort of uniform in hand. his back was now turned to louis as he walked away. right before walking out the door, though, he turned around briefly.

"best get ready, prince. uniform is on the edge of the bed." he winked and walked out, leaving louis greatly confused because what? after a few seconds of just staring dumbly at the door, feeling sort of zombie like in sleep while waiting for harry to come back to tell him this was all a stupid joke of his, and realizing he wasn't, he slowly turned to stare at the uniform. he sighed before scooting to the edge of the bed to let his feet touch the carpeted floor. he stood up and made his way to the cheap fabric on the edge of the bed. he delicately touched it, lifting it up and inspecting it. with a sigh, he started stripping.

now only in his boxers, he grabbed the white, collared shirt and put it on. he buttoned it up all the way and reached for the black pants. he tucked in the shirt before zipping up the pants. the only thing left was the tie and black blazer with the schools logo on it. thankfully, after living his whole life as a prince, he knew how to tie a tie. he quickly tied it on and shrugged on the blazer. the look of the uniform wasn't all bad but the fabric wasn't the best.

"bathroom's ready in case you want to freshen up or anything." harry said from the doorway, startling louis. he nodded, walking past harry and into the bathroom across the hall. thankfully, after looking in the (very small) mirror, he didn't scare himself too much. he was glad to have put his stuff in the bathroom earlier last night (well, harry did but who needs details, really?). he grabbed a little scoop of gel, rubbed it in his hands and started messily styling his hair. he wasn't too used to styling his own hair so he was just aiming for an easy messy fringe. his face was freshly shaved so no need for that, and all he really needed to do now was brush his teeth.

once that was over, he walked back into the room to find harry waiting for him while scrolling through his phone. after clearing his throat, harry looked up at him then down at his phone, clicked it off, then back up again. he coughed before speaking.

"okay, so here's your schedule. mum asked me to show you around a bit during our lunch hour, which is 3rd hour, and i'll also take you to your first hour and after that, the school has arranged someone to take you to your others. we have most classes together, though."

"okay, thanks, but how the hell am i going to school? i never enrolled. plus, i'm the prince of england. it's not safe!" louis concluded, worry dripping in his tone. harry rolled his eyes.

"chill out. it's a private school, hence the uniforms. you'll be fine. it won't be a huge deal, considering almost every person there are either somehow involved in the celebrity business. that or super rich." he shrugged.

louis hummed, "and what are you?" harry grinned in response.

"i happen to be the unfortunate son of some fortunate parents who happen to be very good friends with the king and queen of england." and wow, louis can definitely see how close their families really are. he can't believe he's never met them. or at least not since he can remember. he finds it ridiculously unbelievable that he doesn't remember them at all, especially considering that harry and himself were so-called best friends.

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