Chapter two.

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I haven't wrote in awhile and it's because I've been so distracted with other things. I'm very sorry, I have no excuse.

The GIRL OF MY DREAMS is on hold, due to the fact that I have writers block at the moment and I don't know where I want it to go, that's another reason I haven't been updating but I'm working on that as of now.

Over 100 comments on the first chapter, it made me feel really happy that you'd all like this story. Anyways.




"Mr.Hunter, I don't know what you think I am but I can't do that." I muttered, lifting a hand to the back of my neck." You see, I've never had a girlfriend so I wouldn't know how to court her properly." A nervous chuckle leaving my lips."besides she's your niece, why would you want me to use her like that."

He placed a hand on my shoulder." I'm an agent first and you're a great guy, her boyfriends a fucking spoiled brat." He patted my shoulder a couple of times." You're the best of the best, what could possibly go wrong? Now get back in there and do your job." He turned me towards the living area before pushing me.

Stumbling as I re-entered the living room." You know I hate being babysat, this is so unfair." She argued with her father while her shoulders dropped in disappointment." I'm just going to ditch him, every chance I get."

"Don't make me take everything away from you riles, I'll give it to him to hold." He pointed a slim finger in my direction. "He's about your age, that's why I picked him."

"Sir, it's no problem, she won't get away that easily." I grab her arm in a gentle manner before she sneaked out of the living room." I promise, I'll always be by her side." With a pleasant smile, I turn and release her arm while I follow her bitter form out of the living room.

"I swear I will make you regret the day you ever took this job." She spat, clearly annoyed.

"You're just a spoiled rich brat." With a grit of my teeth, I clear my throat." Look let's just get this over with because I'm stuck with you and you're stuck with me sweetheart." I cross my arms over my chest." I'm only doing this because Shawn has been such a great mentor to me and I'm doing him this favor."

"I don't care about your reasonings, just stay the hell out of my way and we won't have a problem." With that she turned and stomped her way back into her backyard.

So fucking childish.

Without another word, I followed her into the backyard.

"I'm stuck with him!" She groaned to her group of friends.

"You're so lucky," a girl with long brown hair commented, her hand rushing out to touch my arm." If my daddy got me such a nice toy, I'd never complain." Her plump lips lifting into a smirk.

"Pleaseeee be my guest and take him with you." The brat sarcastically offered," I don't need that thing."

"This is what's wrong with all you rich folks, thinking low on people who weren't born on a sliver plater." I growl under my breath.

"What was that?" The saggy brown haired guy said, bumping his shoulder with mine as he walked past me." Remember you're just a servant here."

I clenched my jaw to keep from saying anything else, I really wanted to ruin that pretty face with my fist.

"Hey, hey there's no need to start a fight here." The guy I talked to before grinned, placing his hand on my shoulder." Riley..." He let a huff of air escape his mouth." When are you going to grow up, Jesus this shit was cute when you were thirteen but you're nineteen for crying out loud!" He throw his hand in the air in frustration. " and you," he pointed a slender finger at the saggy haired kid." Jason, remember you're just a guest here and you don't have any right to speak to any of our employees like you're some big shot. As far as any of us are concerned, you're just a brat with money."  He rubbed his temples before turning back to go back to his group of friends." Look Lucas, don't listen to any of them and if anything goes wrong, just come to me man, I'll help you out."

"You're so annoying, ugh!" Riley yelled at her uncle who just waved her off, stomping her feet before looking at me." What are you laughing at, you stupid idiot! Go get me something to drink and make it fast!"

"That's not my job, my job is to be with you at all times." I dug my hands into my suit pants pocket." Besides your probably trying to get away while I'm getting you whatever you want, sorry sweetheart, try again."

"Sweetheart? Are you fifty?" She asks, crossing her arms across her chest," only old people use those kinds of terms, we're in the 21 century, get with the program."

I chose to ignore her and turned towards the pool, the water glistening with the light of the sun. I always wanted a pool in my backyard but my family never had the money to have one, what a pity.

"Hey don't ignore me." Riley glowered, standing in front of me with her index finger pushing against my chest." Obey your master, you dog."

A chuckle left my lips but I didn't answer. She was just going to be a waste of my breath if I continued to argue with her. I learned that rich folks are selfish bastards that only wanna get richer and that they hate losing to underclassman. They aren't just happy with what they already have, they need to take from the poor to be satisfied.

"You're so annoying, can you go play with your friends?" I snap at her, grabbing her hand before she can point her finger into my chest again."just stay outta my way and let me do my job." I let her hand go and took a couple of steps away from her before turning my back to her once more.

For the most part, I was left alone after that and she acted as if i didn't exist. I was glad to finally get some peace and quiet for the rest of the afternoon.


After a few hours everyone had finally gone home, Ms.Matthews went into the house and up the long staircase. I followed her closely before she turned to glare at me. "Alright slick, I'm going to take a shower so you don't gotta follow me. Go read a book or something a dude of your age does."

"Sorry ma'am but I'll follow you and wait outside the door."

"What?! Are you a fucking pervert?? Do you wanna hear me showering so you can beat your meat afterwords." She accused in a disgusted face.

" I'm sorry but.." My eyes follows her slender figure before turning my head away." You just aren't my type, I mean you got a nice body but.." I trailed off before turning to look at her.

"But what? Spit it out asshole."

"You seem to be so fucking selfish that I could never ever imagine a crazy bitch like you to beat my meat too." I shrug my shoulders before standing next to the door of her room." So be at ease that I have no interest in you." Her mouth popped open into a 'O' in shock to my words for a slight second before she composed herself and went into her room.

Girls always want the assholes, it's scientifically proven that girls always end up picking a douchebag instead of any good guy. If I'm going to make her fall for me, I need to treat her as if she was the last thing I'd ever want. Besides she's a spoiled rich brat that has had everything handed to her and if she sees that I'm not one of her little toys, she'll definitely come to want me, she's just a girl after all.

This is really going to be a piece of cake.

"Come in Friar, miss Matthews was just seen getting into a black BMW, I repeat Miss Matthew was soon leaving the estate in a black BMW." The radio spoke into my earpiece.

Jesus what a drag.



Agent Friar is just getting started, I'm so excited for this story like HOLLY CRAP.


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