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Tears are falling,
From your beautiful eyes,
Tears are falling,
Because of beautiful lies,

But no one knows why you cries?
They think you are just weak ,
They think you are just freak ,

Just tell them that...
I cry to release my pain,
I cry to release my fear,
I cry to release my grief ,
I cry because afterwards I feel relief ;

After the tears are flowed we become sad to glad ,
How good it feels to cry,
When you know it's your right,
And it's the only way to let your sorrow out,

Have you ever thought?
If nature never let the rain fall
How would those dark cloud

In the same way if you won't let your tears to fall,
The dark cloud inside you,
Will never disappear,

You don't have to be embarrassed of your tears,
You don't have to justify your reasons;

Never think it is your weakness,
But you are better then those who don't even let them flow,
Tears are not your flaws ,
But your strength..

Well Thank you so much for reading it till now and I hope you understood the meaning behind it.... In a nutshell I will say that never let anyone say that you are weak just because you cry a lot...But yes it is also important to know should cry for those who cares about your tears not for those who don't even care.....your tears are beautiful and precious..if not for anyone then for me...i don't even know you but still I can understand some of the problem you face....

Love you all Bye-bye

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