Chapter Twenty Six: The Revenant

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Kestrel was in his tent conferring with his officers when Matt found him. It should have been the first place he checked, but he wanted to see who else had made it home. He was saddened by the empty tents, and the barren grounds that used to be full of bustling soldiers and recruits with their practice rifles. It was apparent that less than a quarter of their original strength had made it home. 

Emma and Billy were sent to the medic’s tent, and Roger Wayne, the lead surgeon, was seeing to them with his team. Matt’s first question for him was “will he make it?” and to that the doctor could only shrug and promise his best efforts. Emma had fallen asleep as soon as they lay her down in the hospital bunk, even with all her protest prior. The doctor wanted Matt to stay so the bullet wound in his arm could be treated, but Matt refused. He couldn’t rest before all his business was done. He left Flint at the hospital, telling his friend to get him if either awoke before he returned. 

The congregation of grizzled men stood around Kestrel’s desk, his map rolled out with chess pieces organized atop it. There was a shouting contest in progress when Matt pulled back the curtains, unleashing a bright beam of light into the lantern lit space. The room fell silent as all eyes fell upon the boy in the torn clothes, with the rifle slung across his back. But today he didn’t look much like the boy that he was. A light stubble had begun to frame his face, and any child’s fat that he’d once had was gone, replaced by hard muscle. It appeared as if he’d gone to hell and back, chewing through the devil for breakfast.

Matt found the Old Bear’s gaze first, a comfort washing over him as the man grinned. Bear broke from his place in the throng and embraced Matt, wrapping him in a hug worthy of his name. 

“I never thought I’d seen the last of you, you reckless, canny son of a bitch!” Bear laughed, releasing Matt from his hold but keeping a grip on his shoulders. He looked him up and down before saying, “You look like shit,”

“I feel like it too.” 

“Any news of your friends? Furry and the like.”

“We’re all back, though Emma and Bill are in the infirmary. There were a few complications on the journey back,”

“And you can tell us all about it later,” Kestrel said, rising from his seat at his desk. His black hair had been cropped short since last Matt saw him, and a new scar adorned his right cheek, giving him a ghastly visage. 

“Sir,” Matt saluted. Kestrel returned the gesture. 

“You’ve been in the field more recently than anyone else, tell me what you’ve seen,”

“Let the boy rest for goodness’ sake!” Bear cut in, scowling at his commander. 

“He had the strength to seek me out, surely he has something to say.” Kestrel replied before returning his gaze back to Matt. The room was quiet, waiting to hear his words. 

“I want to know what happened. Where in hell did that missile come from, and was it a nuke?” Matt said, anger returning to his voice. “And why did you leave me, and everyone else, there to die?” Matt added on at the end, against his better judgement. 

“My recon had been incorrect, and that airbase was more than it appeared. No, it was not a nuke, but the warhead was big enough to contain one. I did not think the Ascendancy had the reach to develop such weapons so far from home. And I left no one to die. Casualties happen and I cannot spend my time checking the pulse of every man on the ground! There are greater matters to attend to,” Kestrel said, slamming a fist down on his desk. “And I don’t need whelps criticizing the way I run my army!”

“Your army? Isn’t this the people’s army? Besides, there’s nothing left of it! I’m not fighting for you, or anyone in here for that matter. This is about protecting our homes, our families, and taking back what the Ascendancy stole from us. Be it through blood or some other means. As of yet, all I’ve witnessed is sacrifice, and no gain. I’ll have no part in this anymore,” Matt stated, turning to leave. 

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