Chapter One : A Baker

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Being a baker is a blend of artistry and precision, where every day begins before dawn with the comforting scent of rising dough and the warm flow of the oven. A craft that demands patience, skill, and a love for creating something that brings joy to others, whether it's the perfect loaf of bread, a delicate pastry, or a beautifully decorated cake. It's about transforming simple ingredients into delicious, memorable experiences, and finding satisfaction in the smiles of those who enjoy y-

"Yaya! The cookies!" The yell from her mother snapped Yaya out of her poetic daydreaming before she horribly realized that the cookies in the oven were burning.

She rushed to get the oven mitts, carefully dodging all the pots. Yaya slowly gets the hot tray from the oven, scanning each one of the now burnt cookies.

"That was such a waste," she sighed, "I guess only a few would suffice for Tok Aba today."

Her eyes glanced at the packed biscuits and cookies on the table. Her family had been in the tradition of being a baker for decades. Recently, her family moved into another part of the city where they could expand their business. While staying there, she met Tok Aba, a kind old man who gave her a chocolate drink every day she passed in his shop. In return for the chocolate drinks, she offered her family's cookies and biscuits. Some kind of partnership had formed between them but nonetheless, they get along pretty well.

Back to Yaya, she secures her basket, heading to the door for her daily delivery to Tok Aba's shop.

"Mom! I'm going to Tok Aba's." Before she could open the door, her mother gently tapped her shoulder before putting in another packet of cookies.

"I heard that his grandson is coming for a vacation here so be sure to give this to him." Her mother then fixed her hijab before patting her to go.


She happily walks her way through the busy streets, greeting some fellow shop owners. It was quite different from where she grew up. Everyone back there was competitive.

Just then, she ducks just in time as an apple goes over her head.

I take it back. Everyone here is still competitive. She looks down at the poor apple. At least it's not knives.

Not wanting to be caught on whatever drama there was, she sprinted until she came to a stop right in front of Tok Aba's shop.

She paused, catching her breath before she fixed herself. There weren't many customers in this time of day so it makes it perfect for her to give the biscuits to Tok Aba.

As she approached the stand, her eyes caught a glimpse of orange. Turning her head to the side, she faces a boy clad in orange clothes, wiping the table.

He sure does have a liking to orange...a lot.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around here before." Yaya could at least start small talk to ease the awkwardness in the air.

"Oh, I'm new here actually," The boy said. He took a look at the girl and noticed the basket beside her, "You must be the cookie girl Tok Aba was talking about."

"And you must be his grandson?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Boboiboy," he smiled as he extended his hand, "And you are?"

Yaya was not surprised about the boy's personality. Given the fact that Tok Aba is like an angel sent from above, the same goes with this boy.

She took his hand, "Yaya."

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