12. a screaming day?

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The same morning.

A few minutes after they'd reached krishna's room with krishna now alright, though not completely out of nakul's impact on him.

"Yuvraj, pranipat".

A Dasi came in to krishna's room, where all the rajkumar were present. She bowed her head low with respect to the young croun prince.

Yudhishtir smiled .

"pranipat". He greeted her calmly".

" rajmata kunti and all other elders are calling you to the common chaimbers. ".

She said , head still bent low.

Yudhishtir nodded.

Krishna, who sat on the bed, still not completely out of the impact of nakul's prank on him, looked at the dasi and Raise an eyebrow at her. The dasi felt his gace and finally looked up.

"why now?". He asked her with a smile, that Dazzled her. She turned red and arjun controlled his laughter.

"be-because they-they herd rajkumar balaram scream at the top of his lungs". She managed her words out as she turned more red when he winked at her.

"hey Narayana. I have been longing for this one single gace from this manmohana, this Madhava. Finally, you've fulfilled my long unfulfilled wish".

The dasi thought and smiled back at him, her eyes tearing up all of a sudden.

She bend her head low again, her heart braking into pieces as she did so.

Krishna just gave his charming smile to her and she scurried out.

As soon as she left, arjun broke into fits of laughter, karn and balaram following him.

Krishna knew they were teasing him and looked at them amused.

"what happened?". Nakul asked, still sitting down beside krishna.

"madhav? How do you manage to do that?". Arjun asked, controlling his laughter.

"what? Parth? What do I do ?".

Madhav asked, his face glimmering with confusion.

" he ment, flurt with the girls, kanha". Balram piped in.

Krishna shrugged. "its not my problem, you see, that I have such a beautiful smile that anyone would melt into it. And I cannot help when girls fall for me, can I now?".

He shot back and everyone smiled .

They all got up, heading to the common chambers.


"pranipat mata, mata Gandhari, uncle vidura, pitamaha, gandharraj, ". Yudhishtir greeted all of them politely.

All of them acknowledge him and smiled.

"what was happening here? ". Kunti asked, her eyes staring at a still half stumbling krishna and a sheepishly grinning balaram.

"nothing mata. Just bhrata nakul had played a terrible prank on all of them". Sahadev repplyed, a grin spreading across his face.

"and weren't you a part of it, putr?" Bhishma asked, smiling at his grandsons.

"no, pitamaha. I skillfully avoided it so that I won't be affected by it". Sahadev repplyed back, still grinning at all the other rajkumars.

Karn looked at Duryodhana and he was avoiding gandharraj who was trying to make eye contact with him.

He had managed to calm suyodhana down just today morning , after they had completed their practise.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now