chap ; 08 She is not that bad

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Morning my child !
I was shivering ! I can't breath my head was burning like volcano and i was in unconsious condition !

Lisa ! My child o my god ! What happened ! O your head is burning ! I take wet towel wait !

Mom ! Listen

Mom i need some water also !

Oky my child ! You take care im coming !

my mom ! Put wet towel on my head and on my arm i was burning from inside and the heat make my face even more red !

Why wouldn't tell me yesterday ! That you're not feeling good !

Mom I was ok ! I just take medicine and recover soon !
You don't worry about me !

Mom : i made pordige for you and also make soup for you my child ! You do rest

Bell rings !!!

Who's at the door ! You take rest ill check who's on door ok ! And tell me anything more you want !

No mom you go ! Someone is waiting outside

Mom ( open door)

Yes ! Who are you lady !

Swadee : my name is Emma im lisa boss !

Mom ; Oh ! swadee ! Omg im sorry please come in please !

Em : Don't say sorry your like my mother !

(Giggle and enter into house )

Lady have a seat please ill grab some drink for you !

No no ! Im here to meet lisa ! Where is she ?

Lady She had fever ! She is not feeling good she is in her room !

Emma ; Oh ! Can i meet her ?

Yes yes lady ! U can meet her i tell her your here !

Lady : No no she get disturbed ! Ill go my self i also want to talk to her in private !

Ok this way upstair "

Lady pov :

I take flowers ! And get some sweet for her ! She looks like strawberry and i take a strawberry cake for her !  i think when u want to say sorry ! So we should take something sweet "

I take everything and start engine and moved toward her home !

It was not easy to find her home ! But after sometime i find it !

I was so confused what would i say ! And it's not easy what if she say something and don't want to meet !
I grab myself and take a breath and moved toward her house

I meet her mom ! Her mom is so sweet it make me memorize about my mom she was so sweet and kind like my mom ! Ah i miss my mom

Her mom said she is not in her room so i decided to meet her in her room !

I knocked at the door ! But no one replied i think she is sleeping " I don't know what to do but i opened the room door "she was laying on bed her face was red and she was not ok at all ! Her eyes were swollen like she cry all over night it make my heart wreck that because of me and and my stubbornness she is in this condition i moved toward her ! And i touch her hand ! To get her attention her hands are burning .The heat gave me a burning sensation ! She was dizzy but she shook her head
What !! Mom !

No Lisa its me Em !
Em "

Lisa pov :

My mom leave the room !
And i fell asleep again !

But then i feel mom comes again in room but that was not mom !

She was Em ! Why she is here ? Is she is going to say something again to me ! Ah my head

I say it aloud ! She ask for my  permission to sit on bed with her ! I say yes !
She was seeing in my eyes ! And i was just thinking what she want to say ! She pulled her hand toward me she was carrying a strawberry cake and a flower bouquet !

I was shocked ! Her sudden change was like something new to me !

I resisted ! But she hold my hand and  gave me flower
when she said sorry to me
She say sorry !

I say what ! But i say it aloud "

She apologized for yesterday ! And she say she didn't mean to do this with her ! She tells me about her perception about shoot and she was really feeling sorry i can see from her eyes !

She was not that bad ! I think about it "
Because she is totally different personality in office and their she is different

I say nothing ! But after some moment i accept her apology
And she persue me and hugged me
i get nervous on this sudden action but i try to act normal and also hug her and then my mom comes and start saying lisa ! Your boss is such a good lady she is totally different from what you said to me

Mom ! She stopped !

Emma moved toward me and said to my mom what she tell you about me ! Aunt

I use my fingers to say no to her and go from room right now !

She left the room and tell us to come to lunch because it was already lunch time !

Lisa what im ! What you tell about me to your mom

She said and i replied nothing ! She is just oversaying

Do you want to join for lunch ??

Em :  im busy but i joined you

So come ! I stand up and because of weakness i fell a wave of dizziness and then she suddenly grabbed me  from my waist and i was just an inches away from her face i can smell her fragrance and her breath on my face i suddenly come to sense and leave her hand and say sorry in nervous manner

Then she open door for me and joined for lunch

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