Chap No : 11 Her Touch

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Lady pov :

I think i should take her to lunch well lakrn also want me to join amm i need an excuse to take her with me !

Hmmm ! get it

Call hang !

Am i miss ! i want lisa in my room tell her to take her bag and things we are going somewhere !

Ok mam ill inform her !

Door knocked !

Yes !!

Ah lisa come in actually i want you to meet our brand owners You will pleased to meet them and i also want to show you the next shoot place so let's move !

Lisa : Ah ok but its like its important that i meet them because im just a model !

Em : Yea ! It doesn't matter they want you to meet them i think they like you or maybe they don't want you as model Nextly

Lisa : Hawww ! what

Em : Hahahaha Im just kidding ! Dont think to much

Lets go !!

Lisa : Ah You just give me a shock Haww ok !

After few minutes!!

Car engine starts !!

Lisa : I like your car ! I'm into sports car !

Em : Oh ! someone is talking !
Haha Yea i also like sports car ! Its been my dream to buy this car

Lisa : Ah im just admiring your car just thinking i can't buy this car in my life because it so expensive out of my range !

Em : In mind
(so You like it ! Am this could be your Forever if you become mine ! Haha i can buy anything for you lady just say it one time )

Lisa : Lady What are you thinking !

Em : Haw Nothing !
In mind :
(Hehe if i tell you ! You become shy lady )

Nothing we are just going On beach !

Lisa : Beach !!!!!!!( Hesitatetly)

Em : Don't panic im not gona sink you haha ! Just having lunch

(Put hands on her hands)

Em : Don't worry im withyou ! and don't worry !

Lisa pov:

Why i tell her i just spilled ! What i have to do with her car or why i tell her i like sport car !! Huhh

But she been nice !

But why the owner want's to meet me as a person like today I don't wear good even like its so simple and odd ! Huh i really don't wana go i become panic and on beach its like a night mare !!

( Em put hand on lisa hand)

Hawww ! She put her hands haww it's just a my body froze from up to down ! Why my heart beats fast just i have submitted a crime and i got caught "

Like i never feel anything before this ! I also grab my mother hands but her touch is something different ! My heart race Continue
I think i should take my hands to side what if she listen to my heart beat because that bounce sound also reached my ears

Haww ! Am thankyou Em !
Thankyou for caring so much means a lot !

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