Chapter : 10 i like her

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Why i said yes to her ?
Mom !( Lisa come here)!

Yea mom coming !
Mom: hey Lisa why you said that she is not a good person she come here to meet you and your behaviour was rude that not good i think you should go tomorrow and yes! Also take some flowers ok!!

But mom!! Why Flower ?

My child its good you should thanks to her she come here by self to say you sorry i think you should !

Ok mom !
I leave the room just thinking why today she was change her eyes are change why they where shining! And why she come here like she is not that person hhh!

And know just because of mom i have to continue all the things ! I think she now listen to me and nothing i think i should never expect something !

Switch of lights !

Lady pov:

Put keys on draw !

Oh i did it after all everything is fine but what happened to me today ! Her wet eyes make me sad !
My heart beat fast i cant resist to kiss her lips and want to stay in that moment
(  Hands on lips)
Her eyes are so beautiful i want to see them everyday every minute in front of me ! Oh caramia

Phone rings !
Hey emma where have you been you didn't meet us tomorrow come on our favourite place !

Ok ill join you for sure !

Caller : yuhu someone kind of happy today something happened hawww haww!!

Haha nothing ! Lets meet tomorrow! Ok bye na ka !

Hmm meetup tomorrow should i take her with me also she kinda like it and she feel good ! Ok em take her also !

Next day ----------)
What should i wear black amm white ,ah what the hell what look good on me i think i should wear something different then these blazer i took a channel dress and my long boots and wear bvlgri chain
Ah this look fine!

Perfume -- am today i use gucci flora i know that scent can make everyone crazy !

I took my car keys and move toward office !

On the way is was just thinking about her because i know i like her yes i like her ! No one in the past give me that heart beat and i never think about anyone she is the first so she is special

Patting on heart !
Am you choose a girl ! She is beautiful i know ! Haha

30 minutes later !

Knock at door !
Yes come in !

Lisa enters room !

Yes lisa ! Your here you want to talk are u feeling good now or not feeling good if you're not you can rest and go to home !

Lisa : lady im here to thankyou !

What !

Lisa: yes i want to say Thankyou for yesterday you come to my home by yourself its means a lot to me and these flower for you !

Lady : flower for me !

( She took flower for me ! These flowers why my heart is racing! I can't took my eyes off from her she just her smile omg ! I wana kiss your lips ! Just one kiss )

Lisa : lady !

Lady : oh im sorry i was thinking about something thankyou for this !
I want to ask you something !

Lisa : yes please !

If you have problem next tell me i hear you and Thankyou to your mom she make good food and i like her so much its feel like i see my mom after many years !

Lisa : Thankyou i tell her ! She will be happy

( I make her smile yes ! I think she is now feeling good )

Ok lisa ! You join with me in meeting room im gona decide new place for shoot

Lisa : ok ill join you

Lisa pov:

She was smiling ! She is changed now i guess she is not that bad as i think she accept flowers ask me first and today also want me in meeting for place ! Well that a good step !

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