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A few days passed and I seemed to have gotten better at controlling everything so I was discharged from hospital, I didn't get to speak to kacchan and he was away on a trip so he couldn't come see me either. This meant he didn't know I was out of hospital so I decided I was going to surprise him at school

The time he was away on the trip he was long enough to cover the time I was told to stay home before going back to UA and the day the class got back was the day my dad planned to send me back if I was feeling up to it

The day to go back finally came and I was ecstatic to go back and see everyone again i was ready for what could happen when seeing Izuku and had a plan on how to handle it on my own. i was also heading in early to sit in the staff room with All Might until class started and i was able to go in and surprise everyone 

"Y/N! TOSHINORIS HERE!!" my dad yelled up to me like he did every morning. i grabbed my bag and ran down to my uncle

"UNCLE TOSHI!!!" i hug him for the first time in nearly 3 weeks

"Young Y/N! im so happy to see you! how are you feeling?" he seemed worried given my previous condition but none the less happy i was out and ok 

I told him i felt great and only had some nerves about going back to UA but we were both sure it would brush over in no time, my dad gave me some breakfast to take with me and we were off to UA, by the time we got there i still had an hour until home room started so i did some independant catch ups and ate the breakfast my dad gave me and before i knew it i could go and surprise my classmates 

All Might took me to the class and opened the door and gave Aizawa the sign i was coming in and checked on how the class was before closing the door and giving me the ok to go in, before i went in tho Toshi went in and stood by Aizawa to see the reaction of everyone. when Aizawa raised his voice to shut the class up i walked in....

"Y/N!!!!!" the whole class erupted upon seeing me 

i smiled seeing everyone so happy to see me distracting me from the blond that was charging towards me 

"Y/N! Your out! When the hell did they discharge you???" regardless of the fact people were looking he hugged me 

"they discharged me 4 days ago!" i hugged him back being really happy to see him again after a week and a half, we pulled away instantly when we heard the whole class say 'awwwwwh' and ashido started squealing from joy kirishima came up to us and pulled us outside to talk 

"Y/N im glad to see you out of hospital and bakubro i hope youve got an excuse to why you hugged her with no hesitation" kirishima looked at us both me with a sweet smile and bakugo with a look probably to say 'you may have fucked up bro' as bakugou looked between me and kirishima kirishima walked past us to go back into the classroom "oh and Y/N if it makes your life easier feel free to call me kiri, its easier to remember" he smiled again and walked into the class 

i follow behind kiri "Kacchan just tell people we did it all the time as kids as a way to say im sorry or i hope your ok without saying anything, they'd understand. its hard to express yourself at times in general but its alot more difficult with ADHD" i smile at him and walk into the room

~~~~~~~~~Bakugous POV~~~~~~~~~

We finally got back to UA after the trip and i had already planned to go see Y/N right after school. i had a bad feeling today was going to be just as long as every other fucking day after the day i stayed with her in hospital, the whole class came into the class room and we all settled down All Might came in to talk with Mr Aizawa and i could've sworn i saw her but i just assumed i missed her too much and was seeing things until All Might walked into the room and Y/N walked in not to far behind

The whole class blew up screaming her name, if it made me jump it no doubt scared the shit out of her which made me jump from my seat and get over to her fast. when i finally got to her i hugged her..... yes you heard me right i hugged her in front of out classmates who all know me for not giving a shit and this probably fucked that up but it didnt fucking matter i wanted to make sure she was ok

"Y/N! Your out! When the hell did they discharge you???" i realised i sounded more excited that i meant it to but oh fucking well 

"they discharged me 4 days ago!" She hugged me back like she normally would obviously happy to see me with that stupidly cute smile while the rest of the class but the damn deku said 'awwwwwh' and raccoon eyes started squealing from joy as shittyhair came up to us and pulled us outside to talk 

"Y/N im glad to see you out of hospital and bakubro i hope youve got an excuse to why you hugged her with no hesitation" kirishima looked at us both Y/N with a sweet smile and me with a look probably to say 'you may have fucked up bro' knowing he was right i looked between Y/N and shittyhair hoping someone had an idea, but instead he walked past us to go back into the classroom and turned towards us"oh and Y/N if it makes your life easier feel free to call me kiri, its easier to remember" he smiled at her again and walked into the class 

but then she followed behind him having said nothing about the excuse then i heard her say my name "Kacchan just tell people we did it all the time as kids as a way to say im sorry or i hope your ok without saying anything, they'd understand. its hard to express yourself at times in general but its alot more difficult with ADHD" she wasnt wrong we did do that all the time to help with her communication, i acted like i hated it but i really loved it when she did. she smiled at me and walked back in too

she is not going to make this wait easy....

Bakugou × ADHD reader Where stories live. Discover now