Chapter 4

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James was pacing back and forth in his apartment. It's what he does whenever he needs to think. It's his process. He was wondering what to make for the picnic. He wanted to impress Zaleno with his cooking. He always loved impressing others with his cooking. Actually, cooking is one of the things he can brag about and to be honest, if you taste his cooking, you will know that he has ever right to brag about it. He loved cooking ever since he was a child. Unfortunately, however, he didn't start to learn cooking till he was twenty five. In Gypiti, which is where he was born and lived most of his life, cooking is only for women. If a man wanted to learn cooking, he would be called a woman and he would also be reprimanded. Actually, they might even go to a shaman to cure him. And if they found out that someone is gay, they burn him alive because they believe that way his soul will be freed from the curse that has fallen upon him and in the next life, he will be straight. He will be normal. He will be pure. It's why the humans in Gypiti discriminate against other species because other species have no problem with being gay or with males being pregnant. That and of course, the fear they have towards the supernaturals. The humans there are so old-fashioned that way. It's the main reason James left Gypiti. He wishes he didn't have to leave his parents behind but if he didn't, they would have burnt him alive. And anyway, it's not like he liked living there. He lived there for twenty five years and not once did he feel at home. That's how mates feel. It doesn't matter what species they are. Mates will only feel at home once they meet eachother. That's another reason he left.

Anyway, back to now, James is still pacing back and forth in the kitchen. He still doesn't know what to make. He is also nervous because this is a date. Like a real date. A real real very real date. The last time he went on a date was so long ago. Actually, it is the only date he has ever been on. It was a risky choice because he was still living in Gypiti but he couldn't resist the foreign boy's charms.

Suddenly, James stopped pacing. He remembered he is supposed to be "Mr. Cheap.". He then said to himself, "I told him I'll be bringing only toast, butter and jam. I'll keep my promise and I'll also bring some Gypitilli dishes that's fit for a picnic. But, I'll hide them and I'll only show them to Mr. Cheap Alcoholic once I've seen the look on his face after he thinks I'll bring only toast, butter and jam. Hehe. This is going to be so much fun.".

He started preparing the food for the picnic. While doing that, he started think about Zaleno. He likes him but the problem is Zaleno has a mate. From what Zaleno said, it seems like they have problems and they are not together anymore. He knows mates are fated to be with eachother but sometimes, they choose not to. He doesn't really know what he should do. Should he stop seeing Zaleno? Or should he just go with the flow and see what happens? He thought about it and then decided to choose the latter.

After finishing the food, he took a shower and opend his closet. The picnic is supposed to be at the royal palace's gardens. Apparently, Zaleno has some ties to them. He doesn't know what ties he has to the royal family but he might meet some of them today. To some people, meeting the royal family would make them happy and excited but to james it wouldn't. He is excited to meet Zaleno but he is so nervous and terrified of meeting them. He doesn't even know how to act in front of them. Should he act like he always does with anyone or is there supposed to be some fancy way of treatment he should apply to royals? Since thinking about all that only makes him more nervous and more terrified, he decides to ignore that and just focus on the picnic. Since it's a picnic and since they will be surrounded by grass, trees and flowers, he decides to wear the green cardigan. He crocheted this one too. It has flowers on it. Like, we said before, cardigans are comfy, cozy and make you feel safe. At least that's what James thinks. He wears his clothes, applies his nail polish, puts on his accessories, takes the food for the picnic and heads out.

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