Chapter 26: Heroes Don't Always Wear Masks

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I rolled over in my bed. The pillow was too hot, I flipped it over.

Still not comfortable.

The blanket isn't covering my feet. My feet are freezing.

I can't sleep. My leg itches.

I stared at my dark ceiling, moving around in my bed. Uncomfortable.

After a while of just fumbling with the blanket and trying to get comfortable, I groaned as I got out of bed.

I made my way downstairs.

11:57 p.m. It was almost midnight.

What was I supposed to do? Take a walk? Read a book? I knew I would probably be cranky in the morning.

I stepped out of my front door and started walking down the street, the moon light was glistening brughtly, surrounded by millions of stars.

I turned a corner, there were bright lights everywhere. After about an hour of walking, I'd gotten to the center of town, the mall was here, the movie theatar was here, frozen yogurt was here!

I smiled widely, looking at the beautiful places I knew I'd be spending a lot more time at.

Then I realized I just walked maybe 4 miles in my pajamas without any money or form of identity.

What if I got kidnapped, raped even? How would people know who I was? I started laughing because I knew I wouldn't ever be kidnapped.

There was a wings place open right now, there was music playing and probably a bunch of drunk people inside.

I walked in and took a seat in the back on a tan bean bag chair. The place had a cool vibe to it, with it a brown colored walls and television. It looked very modern yet it was very dim.

I placed my head on the cushion, taking a moment to relax. This thing was a lot more comfortable than my bed.

The music played in the background as I blinked several times, until my eyelids gave up on me and I shut them.

"Excuse me miss?" Someone said, I tried them block them out, but they poked me.

"What?" I said, annoyed at being woken up.

"Look, we're supposed to close right now, it's almost 3 in the morning, and with you sleeping there, snoring on our sofa, it's kind of hard to close up." He said.

"You work here?" I asked, staring at his plain green shirt which made his eyes burst out in color.

"Yes, miss." He said again.

"Have I seen you before?" I asked, he looked somewhat familiar, had I seen him in school? At the beach? I know I'd seen him somewhere.

"I don't believe so." He said, completely ignoring the fact that he had to close up and sat on the other sofa beside me. "How old are you?" He asked, his voice cracking a bit.

"I'm none of your business." I declared.

"So you ask me a bunch of questions and I answer them and when I ask you something, you tell me it's none of my business?" He had an adorable British accent, making my heart melt a little at each word he said.

He was a complete stranger, but he did wake me up at 3 a.m. so obviously I would be a little cuckoo.

I smiled at him. "I'm seventeen." I stated.

"So I have seen you before." He grinned widely.

"What do you mean?"

"You go to my school, Hillview High, and you're in my math class." He smiled widely, how had I never noticed him before?

"I am?"

"Yeah, you sit next to CJ."

"Are you a stalker?" I asked abruptly, hoping I didn't sound like I was about to run.

"No Pure," he began, but I cut him off.

"Aha! So you are a stalker! You know my name!" I accused as an adorable smirk was on his face.

"Everyone knows your name. It's different, good different that is." He grinned.

"Ok then, so Why'd you ask my age if you already knew?"

"Because I can." He grinned.

"So. . .you must've heard what happened, I mean, I'm pretty sure you were there at Prom."

"Yeah," he gave me a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry you had to deal with something like that." This guy knew all the right words to say, how had I not noticed him before?? "Uh, so I'm supposed to be closing up right now, but if you want a ride home. . ." He began, again, I cut him off.

"What makes you think I need a ride home?" Why was I being so snobby right now?

"Well, Pure, you showed up in your pajamas and the parking lot is empty, and I don't believe you have a communications device with you." He said, pulling his fingers through his dark blond hair.

"Communicating device?" I laughed, "You mean a phone?"

"Yes Pure, a phone."He dragged his words, annoyance very present in his voice. " Just wait outside for a couple minutes while I turn things off."

"I bet your good at that." I mummbled. I knew I was being a snobby brat right now, but he should've known not to wake me up at 3 a.m.

"What was that?"He asked.

"Nothing," I gave him a sweet smile and stepped outside.

There was a man lying on the ground, wasted probably from all the drinking. As soon as I stepped outside, I saw his eyes flick open. My heart started pumping faster as fear filled me.

I turned away from him, hopefully if I pretended he wasn't there, he'd dissapear. Who am I kidding, this isn't some sort of fairy tale where I can wish for people to be gone and they'd dissapear.

I turned around to see if he was still there, he wasn't. Wow, I think I might be magic.

"Hey hottie," he said, he looked to be in his early thirties, digust washed over me.

"Please go away." I said, turning away from him.

(Missing Blurb)


Anyone remember her dream in chapter 2?


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