Chapter 38: Bleachers

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"We eloped!" Mom and dad came walking in through the door, wide smiles on both their faces.

"But mom, we had a whole wedding planned for you two."

"Oh hush Riley. It was more romantic to run away together and get married." She said, "check out the wedding photos.

She held up two pictures of her and dad practically naked dressed in cupid costumes with hardly two or three people there.

"We'll keep the presents though, just call everyone and tell them that the wedding is off." Mom said as I stood there dumbfounded. What just happened? They go missing for two days and come back having eloped.

Well then. That put an end to my perfect night.

"Oohh! I see you hooked up with this guy! Good choice!" Mom said as she and dad stood by the door.

"Now my boy, if you don't treat her well, I will hunt you down and chip off your petty little head. And I don't mean the above your neck." My dad said, how humiliating.

"Uh, sorry, but I have to get going." I announced as I saw Noah's eyes fill with fear. He was too darn cute.

And I guess now he's my boyfriend. I smiled at the thought. His steel gray eyes looked right at my dad, "Sir, you're daughter is the most beautiful woman I've ever met and I promise you on my life, I will take care of her like she's my own heart." He said. I smiled, feeling blood rush to my face as my dad looked at him dumbfounded. Noah looked like those chill popular guys, so I guess my dad's reaction was kind of expected.

He chased him around the house with a knife.

Just kidding, that would've been funny though. He shook his hand and told him "Well spoken son." And walked into the house with mom.

I glared at my mom as she kept turning around to look at Noah.

"Shall we go on our date?"

"We shall." I smiled as he held his hand out for me to grab. I intertwined our fingers. A huge smile on my face as shivers ran up my spine.


The rest of the week was amazing, to say the least. Noah and I's relationship was known though out the school but I never understood why on that one day that Ashley announced I liked him, everyone grew silent.

I hadn't realized until today when a blonde demon walked up to me and slapped me across the face.

"How dare you date him?! I had a two week plan and you bitch ruined it all!" Amy Barnes screeched in the middle of the hallway.

I couldn't have cared less, my cheek in pain, I walked away quietly. No need to fight fire with fire. Some people never change.

I walked into the bathroom to look at my face. There was a huge red hand print on it. I stared into the mirror.

The same dull blue eyes stared right back, but now they had a little tint of red on the side. Staring at my reflection reminded me of months ago when I'd first moved to this town. The new people I'd met, the beach I live by, everything seems to feel different.

That is until I heard the sound of heels clanking into the bathroom that I realized I had to make my way out. Fast.

I searched for the window I'd so long ago escaped from. It was in a different bathroom. I fearfully turned my gaze at a blonde. Of course all three of them are blonde, but I guess I'm cool with Eleanor now.

Her furious blue eyes seemed to be killing me multiple times in her head. As though slapping me wasn't enough.

"What do you want?" I spoke up. For myself, for once in a long time.

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