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My cheek stings with offense. This puny, smelly thing has struck me after I tried to heal her injury with the properties of my seed.

I remain standing with my cock in my fist. My eyes feel like burning coals as fire surges within me. My skin warms, too, as my spirit tries to tear through my flesh.

How dare this ungrateful female lift a hand against me?

I scowl at her, stepping closer so our chests touch and she is bullied onto the chair behind her. She looks at my crotch with fear, and I scoff. I am a Master of Skies. A male of such refined nature like mine has no need to force himself on females, especially since they willingly flock me.

Does she not know about my healing abilities? That must be it. Her biology and culture are vastly different.

My head begins to pulse. This is my punishment for thinking hard. My head does not like it when my thoughts fly too high. I'm at peace only when I submit to emotions, which nowadays only consist of anger and confusion.

Desiring a shift, I stomp out of the stuffy space and kick things out of my way. This world is immensely confusing. The creatures that once ruled it-- the humans, mimic our weaker forms, but they are unable to shift. They are ants who thought building tall, mountain-like structures would serve as thrones and make them kings. They were primitive; still engaging in war between themselves over ridiculous topics such as who rules the skies. They believed in so many gods, until we showed up in their skies and showed them who their gods are.

They make me angry. They make me want to make the world burn just like my chest. Except her-- the puny and smelly female.

I don't understand why. I'm not sure why I'm on this planet, either. My memories are hazy, and every Master of Sky I speak to has the same dilemma. When we smell them-- the humans, a takes over us. It is like our minds melt onto a puddle of black tar. I don't have clear memories of caving into the violence, and that is a curse masqueraded as a blessing. I want to know what I've been doing. I want to find out how the fires to get back to my planet.

On my planet, I was no noble male. I was a bounty hunter who flew from mountain to mountain to fulfill whatever job I was paid to do. When this planet was discovered, I was offered hundreds of gold nuggets to come and... I don't remember what the job was, but I regret accepting it. No amount of gold is worth this curse.

I don't wish to blindly hurt lesser creatures. I just want to go home and kill whoever did this to me. Perhaps she is the key-- the female that smells like sewers instead of murder.

My head pulses with a debilitating headache. I am thinking too much.

When I reach the roof, I shift and take flight. Only this will calm me down, unless I spot a human. In that case, my consciousness will become ashes and I'll burn everything to the ground. The smelly one is my only survivor. She does not make my throat feel like I have hellish spices or my chest like it contains a million suns.

I must keep her. She is dusted with black filth everywhere, but she shines like gold.

I circle the building for a long time, and slowly relax. My eyes remain on the entrance in case the human attempts to escape. I have never exchanged a word with them over the years, although I learned some of their simple languages, but I know they can be witty and sneaky. I respect this nature, because they fight with their short claws and fangs to survive. Us Masters of Skies have not been able to evaporate them all, because an unyielding flame lives within them.

I'm thinking of the female when I notice a growing dot in the sky. It's another Master of Skies-- a younger one that I barely know. His name is Onyx, and he has as many questions as I do about our missing memories. He sometimes flies through my territory, but I've never cared since he never approaches me. Something is off today, though. He is flying directly for me with an abnormal speed. I see the manic flapping of his wings, his unclenched claws, and his evasive flight pattern.

He plans on attacking me.

I then remember the female. Her stench has absorbed into my skin, and I've been flying around, airing her scent. Onyx must have picked it up and lost his mind. He's here to kill my human.

I turn and rise my altitude to meet him head-on. I breathe a wall of fire, and he dives to evade it. My wings fold, and I dive behind him. I will burn in my own fire before I let him reach the building that the female is in.

Onyx screeches a cry of warning, asking me to disengage. Us Masters of Sky are rarely violent toward each other, because we're all we have left of our old life. Today, I will ignore this norm. The female is more important than Onyx.

I blow balls of fire that scatter everywhere. Onyx is unable to fly past them all. He's caught on his tail, and immediately retaliates with rage. He blows fire at me, and I know I won't have enough space to evade it. I shift to my weaker form to become a smaller target, and successfully slip past the flames.

Onyx momentarily loses sight of me, too. I allow myself to fall low, and shift back to sweep in from below. He doesn't see me coming, and the error causes him a claw to his underbelly. He screeches, but he doesn't retreat. He dives for the building, and that's when I see a little human-- my little human, scurrying across the street.

She's getting away! I got distracted long enough for her to reach the base floor and escape.

Onyx and I are frantically flying to the ground, but it's too late. She slips underground, where there are too many foul smells and not enough airflow for us to pick out human scents.

I only had her for hours, and already lost her.

Onyx and I slam onto the concrete, and shift to our weaker forms.

"She got away because of you!" I boom in our native language.

Onyx bleeds from his abdomen, but stares at me with confusion. "Drakkon, you must tell me who that female was."

"You will not terminate her."

"I have no wish to kill her. I want to keep her."

My body brizzles and I'm barely able to hold myself from shifting. I'll rip off all of my scales before I let any fire-breathing-bastard keep her. I saw her first, like a nugget of gold shining in the bushes. She is mine to keep.

"No!" I roar.

Onyx frowns. "She has the same effect on you, doesn't she? She doesn't make you crazy."

It's not only me, then. She attracts other Masters of Skies with her scent. This is not good. There are dozens Masters of Skies on this planet, all of which may want her. I may not be able to fight a dozen at a time, but I sure as fires will try.

Masters of Skies are greedy. We love treasure, and I've never seen a more shiny jewel than her.

"Get lost Onyx. If I see you again, I will evaporate you." My eyes promise death. My tone promises that it will be a painful one. I have never been rich in patience, but I will give him this warning out of goodwill because we are both isolated on this alien planet.

Onyx stands his ground. "I do not want to go to war with you, Drakkon. Just give the human up."

He is too close to my face. He's questioning my authority. He's trying to take my treasure.

I shift and flap my wings rapidly. The burst of wind makes him stumble backward, fall, and roll across the concrete until slamming into metal.

I leave him there, because there are more important things at hand like locating my treasured female before another Master of Sky sniffs her out.

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