You wont lose me

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In the chaotic lab of Rick Sanchez, beakers bubbled, and strange contraptions hummed.
I stood in the midst of the chaos, glaring at Rick.
"Rick, seriously, what's your deal? One moment you're all lovey-dovey, and the next you're dodging any commitment."

Rick was avoiding eye contact as he muttered
"Y/n, it's complicated."

I was frustrated "Complicated? You can travel through dimensions, but you can't handle a simple relationship?"

Rick adjusted his lab coat and said "Relationships, Y/n, they're... messy."

I could tell he was holding back.

I cross my arms. "So, you're afraid of a little mess? You, who creates messes on a cosmic scale every other day? There has to be something you're not telling me Rick."

Rick sighed, glancing at the swirling portal in the corner before it closed.
"It's not that simple. Every time I get close to someone, they end up... gone."

"Gone? What do you mean?" I asked

Rick looked at me for a moment then looked away "Dead, Y/n. Everyone I love ends up dead. It's the universe's messed up way of balancing things."

My frustration softened into concern. "Rick, you can't just shut people out because you're afraid of losing them. That's not fair."

Rick still couldn't face me as he walked towards his work bench slamming things down. "Life ain't fair, Y/n. That's something you should know by now."

I followed Rick around "Life might not be fair, but that doesn't mean you should avoid connections. There's got to be a way to fix this."

Rick was skeptical "Fix it? Y/n. You can't fix death. That's not something you fucking fix!"

He's right. I thought for a moment as we stood in silence. "Maybe not death, but we can find a way to navigate this together. Maybe there's a dimension where things are different."

Rick raised his eyebrow "You think you can outsmart the universe?"
I smirked "If anyone can, it's the genius scientist standing in front of me."
"Don't you think I tried already, Y/n?! You act like it's so easy to just change the fundamental laws of the universe!"

My smirk faded as I was yelled at by Rick.
"Rick please-" I was not going to back down "Maybe it's not about changing the universe, but changing how you approach it. You're not alone in this, Rick I promise" I reached over to his arm but he just jerked his arm back.

"Do you not get it?! Y/n! The universe is a cold, uncaring place. Trying to fight against it is just pointless."

"So, what? You're just going to give up on everything? On us?" I asked worriedly but also a little angry.

Rick avoided eye contact as he turned away. "It's for the best"

"No. Rick I'm willing to take that risk, if I-"

He turned around immediately.
"NO! Y/n! STOP, JUST SHUT UP. Seriously! Im not letting you do this to yourself!"

"Rick. Maybe I can be the one who changes things for you." I said looking up at him

"YOU CANT! I promised myself I wouldn't do that to you."

"Rick seriously?! You're so busy keeping promises to protect me that you're pushing me away?!" I scoffed

Rick clenched his fists and struggled to maintain composure. "It's not about promises, Y/n. It's about the cruel reality of existence. I've seen it all, and I cant and will not lose you."

I looked up at him again. I could tell he was being genuine. He truly did care and maybe he was actually scared. "Rick, I'm not asking you to change the universe. I'm asking you to let me in. We can face whatever comes together." I said holding his face.

I stared up at Rick, his eyes betraying a mix of fear and longing as he responded, "You don't understand, Y/n. People around me, they suffer or they die. I can't change that."

"Shutting me out won't protect me. It'll just leave us both empty." I said softly

I could tell Rick was torn between love and fear.
"I can't lose you, Y/n. I can't." He said in a lower and softer tone as he wrapped his arms around my back.

"You won't I promise"

Rick Sanchez x Reader - oneshots Where stories live. Discover now