Those Eyes | Shouta Aizawa

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Request: Can I get a fic (or whatever ur comfortable with) of Aizawa being soft and shy around his crush? 😙😙😙 please and thank youuu ur blog looks cute btw❤

Word Count: 692
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If anyone could describe Shouta with one word it'll be stoic. He shows little to no facial expressions so it's quite hard to see what he's feeling. Shouta with a crush is no different, face blank and words sharp. But that's what everyone else sees, it's what his students see. However it's not what his friend sees, Mic sees right through him, especially when you just so happen to be around Shouta. His facade falls, a small smile on his face, his pale skin a light shade of pink and his eyes never leaving your face. All he sees is you, even when he closes his eyes, all he sees is your face.

When he's with you the act drops almost immediately, his intimidating aura fading into a more shy and relaxed one. His words softer and his touch delicate. Shouta knows what it means when his body feels light around you, when his stomach fills with butterflies and when he can't stop admiring every aspect of your face.

Tonight was the night of your life, it was your birthday and Shouta being the amazing friend he is, he rented out your favorite club and invited some of your family and closest friends. Hours went by, everyone having shots after shots, drinks after drinks and later into the night and early morning at around three to four in the morning, the bartenders and security started to close the club for the night.

Shouta offered to be your designated driver, just to make sure you get home safely. He kept a hand on your waist as he led you to his car, he opened the door for you and helped you with your seat belt. On the drive to your house he stopped at your favorite food place and got you your go to order.

All night the only thing his eyes could focus on was you, how happy you looked, how perfect you looked, your beautiful smile, the way your hips swayed with whatever song was on at the moment. You had him captive, his attention on you and only on you.

Eyes on the road Shouta feels your hand touch his, he glances at you for a second and down at his hand, your eyes on the ring he wore that night. Focus back on the road ahead he feels your fingers play with the ring, his body fills with butterflies and his face heating up. Thankfully it's dark so you wouldn't see the very noticeable and prominent blush spreading across his cheeks and nose.

He pulls up into your driveway and makes his way out and around the car. He unbuckles your seat belt and takes your hand, helping you out the car and keeping you balanced.

"Shouta.." you muttered, he turned his attention to you after shutting the car door, "Carry me..?" You asked, looking up at him, those eyes, your eyes..he could stare at them all day long.

"Yeah.." he smiled, lifting you up and carrying you bridal style. Your head rested on his shoulder as he made his way to your front door, using your key to open it and his foot to close it once he was in.

He looked down at you, you were sleeping, light and soft breathing filling the room. He made his way to your bedroom and gently laid you on your bed, removing your shoes and tucking you in. He went to your kitchen to grab some Ibuprofen and water for the hangover you'll be having in the morning.

He placed the items on your nightstand and his eyes landed on you. You looked so peaceful and relaxed, a small smile appeared on your lips causing him to smile as well.

He admits it. He has a small crush on you, but can you blame him? You're his friend you've been by his side for a while and never left, you're generous, sweet, kind, caring, loving, stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, you're everything. Taking a liking to you was his best decision.

He'll always like you, even when this "small crush" turns into something more, something he's ready for, something he's hoped for. 

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